• But even if posting the code is illegal, is that Digg's problem or its users?

    FORBES: Digg's Dilemma

  • Anyone searching for the source code on file-sharing systems will see a pop-up message alerting them to the fact that downloading the code is illegal.

    BBC: NEWS | Technology | Microsoft targets source pirates

  • Under the Canadian criminal code, the illegal storage of organs is defined as an indignity of human remains and carries a penalty of up to five years in jail.

    BBC: You are in: UK

  • Prosecutors described that remark as a "code" signifying the illegal activity.

    WSJ: New York City Comptroller Liu Defends Campaign

  • On May 24th all but one of the 73 lower-house deputies of the catch-all Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PMDB), the PT's main coalition partner, voted for an amendment to a new Forestry Code to grant an amnesty for illegal logging before 2008.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil's president

  • Such safeguards include manufacturers training their dealers and distributors to identify and handle illegal purchasers at the point of sale, developing a code of conduct for distributors, and requiring them to implement record keeping measures in order to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

    CNN: Gun makers, help keep weapons out of criminals' hands

  • The tax measure lowered rates and eliminated some loopholes (many, alas, have crept back into the code, but that's another story.) And the immigration bill legalized certain illegal immigrants while punishing employers for hiring illegal immigrants. (And of course we are back at that issue again).

    CNN: Epic failure by Washington sets us adrift

  • While the main considerations of the charter are preventing the illegal use of robots and protecting the data that they acquire, the task force set to draft the code have not overlooked programming ethical standards into the automatons of the future.

    CNN: The rights and wrongs of robots

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