The government accused Galleon Group titan Raj Rajaratnam of using an illegal network of sources to earn millions in illegal gains while defense lawyers countered the claims saying their client traded stocks on public information and not insider tips.
"I think the U.S. certainly didn't intend for its weapons that it provided to Iraqi security forces to end up in the hands of criminals and insurgents in other countries, " said Rachel Stohl, an analyst specializing in the illegal arms trade at the Center for Defense Information in Washington.
But the Federation for American Immigration Reform said the interior stations are a needed "second line of defense" to track down and apprehend illegal immigrants who make it past international borders and into heavily traveled corridors in the United States.
Yesterday in opening arguments, the U.S. said Rajaratnam used an illegal network of secret sources to earn millions of dollars in illicit profits, while his defense claimed he made decisions based only on public information.