Authorities will also step up efforts to track and control illegal income, including from government officials.
Tax defiers--or "tax protesters" as they've traditionally been known--glom onto one kooky, discredited theory or another as to why the income tax is illegal or doesn't apply to them personally or doesn't cover their normal sources of income. (Example: Only foreign income, or only earnings of federal employees are taxable.) They typically file returns showing zero income or simply stop filing.
Some economists estimate North Koreans earn more than 50 percent of their income by illegal trade.
Such a concentration of hidden income in high-income groups demonstrates that much of it is not about simple statistical problems in the household survey but potentially income from illegal sources.
And, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and other independent research have demonstrated that claims by illegal aliens have been a significant factor in the rise of Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) disbursements despite the fact that illegal aliens are ineligible for the tax benefits.
His other policies included maintaining the right to bear arms, eliminating income tax and making abortion illegal.
The World Trade Organization has ruled that our tax export subsidies--known as Foreign Sales Corporation and Extraterritorial Income Exclusion provisions--are illegal.
Others, such as groups in the Middle East, received income indirectly from sympathisers involved in the illegal trade.
Taking them now, and the income that flows from them, is illegal.
Back then, as now, he had made nearly all his income from the sale of ZMA. The illegal drugs were a hobby born of fandom.
Such income includes income without clear definition under laws and regulations in addition to its legitimacy, as well as income from an unidentifiable sources which is practically illegal.
While owning foreign real-estate isn't illegal in Russia, legislators are required by law to declare their property and income.
The Senate inquisitors aren't accusing the tech companies of doing anything illegal but of cleverly exploiting loopholes in U.S. tax laws that allow them to shelter income overseas.
The contracts with pensioners that were supposed to fund that steady stream of income for investors are, according to legal experts and a growing number of judges, illegal and unenforceable.
Nevertheless, illegal immigration from Mexico may lower wages, or at least slow the growth in wages, for low-income workers, especially minorities and those without high school degrees.
FORBES: The GOP And Immigration: Good Economics, But What About The Politics?