The couple were known for campaigning against illegal logging in the Amazon and had faced numerous threats.
Illegal logging in the Mau is the cause, and now 15% of it is for the chop.
"Illegal logging in Cambodia is like opium trading in the Golden Triangle, " says Environment Minister Mok Mareth.
Environmentalists say the bill would increase the rate of land-grabs, with a knock-on rise in illegal logging likely.
Questions are also being asked about whether illegal logging on the coastal hillsides worsened the scale of the disaster.
ENVIRONMENTALISTS, scouring Cambodia's jungles for evidence of illegal logging, ask a passing farmer where trees are being cut down.
But the owners of what the military called an illegal logging camp, in Cambodia's northeastern Stung Treng province, had fled.
We need to get the infrastructure in place before more illegal logging and poaching takes place, and more species become extinct.
Police, environmental inspectors and other state agencies are being pressed to work together more closely to clamp down on illegal logging.
At least some Indonesian ministers now admit that improper and often illegal logging and tree-clearance have been largely responsible for the fires.
However, the majority of victims were not war correspondents, but local reporters covering illegal activities such as drug trafficking or illegal logging.
He is right: despite restrictions on felling trees and a ban on transporting timber, proof of illegal logging is easy to find.
But even before he received the award, he was discreetly collaborating with conservationists to stop illegal logging and studying up on carbon compensation models.
This last comment highlights the very differing scales of illegal logging, which encompasses everything from mechanised teams to individual villagers taking wood for fuel.
Mr Serei Oudom had been working on articles about illegal logging.
In 1997, back in the southern Toledo District, a local grassroots campaign against illegal logging, fishing and poaching also eventually became a part of the ecotourism industry.
It's a bitter blow for the museum, and for the plants and animals of the Gran Chaco, which is threatened by illegal logging and forest clearance for agriculture.
Despite domestic legislation banning exports, illegal logging has continued unabated.
BBC: Cites meeting: Ebony beats ivory in conservation stakes
Paying farmers in Mato Grosso to reduce deforestation but doing nothing for farmers in the neighboring state of Amazonas would merely shift illegal logging from one place to the other.
Under the deal, supermarkets have promised to reject meat from areas of the Amazon where illegal activities take place, such as illegal logging and invasion of public land, Mr Avelino said.
In return, Guyana has promised to guarantee the preservation of the forest in the immediate future, preventing illegal logging and mining and thus helping to put the brakes on climate change.
Boosting troop numbers to deter illegal logging and ranching would thus be a return to two old modes of military thinking: defending the forests from invaders and extending the reach of the state.
The IEA figures only deal with energy, but there's little to indicate that emissions are coming down in any other sector, except perhaps deforestation where a global decline in illegal logging has been documented recently.
Given the human suffering, it is politically more palatable for Mrs Arroyo to blame businessmen engaged in illegal logging, rather than government officials for taking bribes to allow them to do it, or her own reluctance to tackle population growth.
But Byron Brauchli has turned the idea of elegance on its head, and used this fine form (albeit with palladium, a close platinum substitute) to depict illegal logging in Mexico in 1993, with billowing smoke and trees shown in sharp relief.
On May 24th all but one of the 73 lower-house deputies of the catch-all Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PMDB), the PT's main coalition partner, voted for an amendment to a new Forestry Code to grant an amnesty for illegal logging before 2008.
Frederico Drumond Martins of ICMBio is the manager of the national forest and agrees that Vale is trying to be greener - for example, he says, he only has 12 rangers but Vale pays for a further 80, plus cars, boats and the use of a helicopter, all vital to guard against illegal logging and poaching.
President Arroyo reacted by ordering the suspension of all logging, legal or illegal, although subsequently exceptions began to emerge.
He says industrial pollution, overfishing and a long history of rampant logging, legal and illegal, have done the real damage to the environment.