Ann Widdecombe gets a chance to be more illiberal than Jack Straw as his home-office shadow.
Many Greens felt that his ideas, on immigration and security alike, were too illiberal.
Many on the right see it as unconstitutional, many on the left as illiberal.
He needs to reassure them that he will not be illiberal in such matters.
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Mr Blair cannot use that excuse to explain another illiberal act: his plan to ban fox-hunting.
But it is also obvious, from polling, that a majority of the Egyptian people are themselves terribly illiberal.
To begin with, promoting people on the basis of their sex is illiberal and unfair, and stigmatises its beneficiaries.
But the worry in the commission is that the French and Germans want these jobs to promote illiberal economic ideas.
It is not just Mr Putin's illiberal actions at home that have upset Mr Bush but his foreign policies too.
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The problem with the neoconservative position is that it makes no distinction between liberal regime opponents and illiberal regime opponents.
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As Mr Blair and his colleagues have settled into power, their illiberal instincts have clearly prevailed over their earlier, and better, intentions.
Rather than attack the Tories' plans as illiberal, it questioned the cost.
Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne said the court's decision was "a further blow to the government's illiberal control orders regime" and called for them to scrapped.
In fact, because of family reunion, it is impossible to prevent more migrants coming in, but that has recently been made harder with a range of petty and illiberal rules.
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Moreover, smart rejectionists long ago grasped the need to speak to the world at large in the vocabulary of liberal democracy even (especially) when one's aims are belligerent and illiberal.
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Sensitive to their need to look tolerant and peaceful if they are to join the European Union, the Czechs and Hungarians have been trying to curb their skinheads without themselves becoming illiberal.
Mr Rawls makes no retreat from his previous criticisms of unjust institutions when he argues that liberal-democratic governments may not use these coercive means to foist liberal democracy on decent but illiberal peoples.
He offers a complete discussion of the reforms, both liberal and illiberal, that have taken place in Latin America over the last several decades, and a treatment of the history and legacy of individualism in Latin America.
Illiberal democracies are volatile.
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