Many underreport income, acquired illicitly or otherwise, to avoid taxes and qualify for greater handouts.
FORBES: Does Limiting Government Really Condemn Children To Starvation?
These were illicitly transferred to the German merchant ship Victoria at Syria's Latakia port.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: America's descent into strategic dementia
Apart from gold, they illicitly sell cassiterite (used in laptops), coltan (mobile phones) and wolframite (light bulbs).
He could even limn the 20th century, illicitly expanding the oeuvres of Augustus John and David Hockney.
FORBES: The Case Of The Art Forger Who Restored Dead Painters' Careers [Book Excerpt]
In 2004, Banksy smuggled his painting into the Louvre, illicitly attaching it to the wall with double-sided tape.
FORBES: If Every Artist Were As Good As Andy Warhol, Forgery Would Be Unnecessary [Book Excerpt]
If the woman is subsequently promoted, her achievement will be undermined by office gossip that she earned it illicitly.
The illicitly filmed sepia images are curiously reminiscent of Rembrandt: doughy old women waddling through steam, slipping into water.
To spot watermarked pictures being used illicitly, a program known as a webcrawler can trawl the Internet looking for them.
Should the censors legitimise illicitly made digital films by granting them screen permits, or risk driving their creators further underground?
Tobacco companies have said plain packs could easily be illicitly copied, but the politicians said security features could still be used on standard packs.
The former officials also offered details regarding Niger's processes for monitoring and transporting uranium that suggested it would be very unlikely that material could be illicitly diverted.
Of the 200, 000 or so Japanese women thought to take high-dose pills illicitly for contraception some are smokers, and so at the greatest risk from these older pills.
It has now given a six-month reprieve to holders of bearer passbooks, which, although generally used by unsophisticated savers, are also an easy means of transferring money illicitly.
Observers say Mr Jospin has made no attempt to make political capital out of the RPR's party funding embarrassments, because investigators believe his Socialist Party also acquired funds illicitly.
Under proposed regulations not only banks but merchants, like auto dealers, real estate agents and travel agencies, are obliged to snoop on their customers in hopes of detecting whether money was obtained illicitly.
The FA's solicitors have written to news outlets to state the recording was obtained illicitly and that any publication of its contents would be a breach of Press Complaints Commission rules.
Campaigners say it will help discourage young people from taking up smoking, but tobacco companies have said plain packs could easily be illicitly copied and the move could lead to job losses.
Her father, Luteru Lou Te'i -- who spoke to CNN on Saturday, as his daughter was not at home -- said these pictures were illicitly taken from the Facebook page of another of his daughters.
Furthermore, UNESCO was a driving force behind the 1995 adoption of the UNIDROIT Convention on stolen or illicitly exported cultural property, which aims at harmonizing private law in the 15 States party to the Convention today.
Electronic Arts would finance the illicitly-created start-up in exchange for an ownership interest or exclusive distribution rights to the content created by their new company, which would produce video games for Electronic Arts instead of Activision.
FORBES: Activision Alleges EA Tried to "Hijack" Call of Duty Developers
Maybe Monsanto should be required to take a more active role in protecting their patent and be required to irradiate all of the seed that they sell as a commodity to prevent the genes from being illicitly replicated.
We are not placed in a straitjacket and force fed oil, no one comes around at night and illicitly sprinkles coal on the backyard and no one at all pipes gas into our cookers so that we must burn it or blow the house up.
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"When you are creating a currency whose purpose is to be unregulated and then that currency gains value and its exchange rate with the dollar or the pound sterling increases, then clearly this is going attract all sorts of people who want to launder their illicitly earned money, " he says.