Instead of companies, he's going after Big Problems: diseases that kill children, illiteracy, hunger.
Print titles have little influence in the countryside because of high levels of illiteracy.
Reduction of the adult illiteracy rate, especially the disparity between male and female rates.
Illiteracy locks communities into vicious cycles of poverty that lay the conditions for violence and strife.
In the six-year period between 2001 and 2007, illiteracy fell from 7% to 5%.
The biggest is education, in particular illiteracy which is what we're trying to tackle.
Other factors included widespread illiteracy, and the failure of the political parties to explain the proposals.
It worries that computer illiteracy may create new forms of inequality and lack of opportunity.
We have spearheaded campaigns to address the issues of fatherlessness, teen pregnancy, domestic violence, and illiteracy.
Despite the progress that has been made, the illiteracy rate in Morocco remains alarming.
Burnett has said he made the special effects-filled project to help tackle "Bible illiteracy" among young people.
But individuals are not the only ones who suffer as a result of financial illiteracy and insecurity.
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Wednesday morning, Arlen Specter handed me an example of economic illiteracy to chew on in this context.
The current high illiteracy rates in Mozambique are not, however, only a result of poor early schooling.
UNESCO: Promoting Women��s Literacy in Angola and Mozambique
Its resources are limited, its tribes fiercely independent and well-armed, its plagues of poverty, illiteracy and malnutrition persistent.
Those who want to integrate or succeed are held back by stereotypes about dirt, crime, fecklessness and illiteracy.
Poverty, illiteracy, lack of regular income and steep transaction costs keep out the poor from India's banking system.
This Strategy deals with all four kinds of illiteracy, namely: Illiteracy of Civilizations, Cultural, Technological, and Functional Illiteracy.
Planning Minister Ali Sindi took pride in a sharp drop in illiteracy, poverty and unemployment in recent years.
Comic books these days are often taken seriously, the subject of theses (or a sign of growing illiteracy).
Moreover, illiteracy also limits women's ability to claim their basic rights including access to social services and property.
Back in 1993, about 700 million people in the Asian region were in disadvantaged situation because of illiteracy.
To address this problem, the Moroccan government has made the fight against illiteracy one of its top priorities.
Considering the higher rate of the female illiteracy, 60% of the total beneficiaries will be adult girls and women.
Poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy continue to afflict the daily lives of billions.
Illiteracy rates in rural areas are almost twice as high as in urban areas, and higher still among women.
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People with complex human problems like illiteracy and addiction, abuse and mental illness.
The Indonesian Government has identified adult illiteracy as one of the major causes of this relatively high poverty prevalence.
American innumeracy, I offer, is worse than our illiteracy, which is bad enough.
What is shocking however, is how many kids are at risk of illiteracy.
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