Reduction of the adult illiteracy rate, especially the disparity between male and female rates.
Despite the progress that has been made, the illiteracy rate in Morocco remains alarming.
The 2010 national census established that the illiteracy rate for indigenous people was about 27.2% while the national average was 5.4%.
Afghanistan is landlocked, rural and has a high illiteracy rate, he said.
Overall, the illiteracy rate in the young and middle-aged population group has fallen from over 80 per cent down to about 5 per cent.
Its adult illiteracy rate is 39%, compared with 9% in China.
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Over the period of the next three decades following the introduction of Package A, it is reported that the illiteracy rate was halved from approximately 21 per cent in 1970, to approximately 11 per cent in 2000, and that increased productivity of newly-literate people in various primary and secondary industries was observed.
The IALSS also indicated that the rate of illiteracy is higher among Francophone people (with the exception of those in Quebec) than Anglophones.
Despite the considerable growth in the size of the Afghan National Police (ANP), some challenges remain such as high rate of illiteracy among the recruits.
The late 20th century has brought remarkable advance: the United Nations reckons that between 1980 and 1995 the worldwide rate of illiteracy among people aged over 15 fell from 31% to 23%.
Considering the higher rate of the female illiteracy, 60% of the total beneficiaries will be adult girls and women.
In 2006, a national illiteracy survey in Morocco put the rate at 38.5%, with a rate of 46.8% for women, 31.4% for men, 27.2% in urban areas and 54.4% in rural areas.
In Ratanakiri, home to a large number of indigenous people who do not speak Khmer, for example, the adult literacy rate is just 45.9%, as illiteracy is more common in remote areas where access to intervention is difficult.