Play includes any activity in which your brain lights up and you get imaginatively involved.
In the end, durable customer relations are only partly about clever technology, however imaginatively used.
Unveiled on Christmas Eve 1895, after six years of construction, Biltmore Estate today remains imaginatively compelling.
WSJ: Biltmore Estate | King of the Castles | Masterpiece by Julia M. Klein
To wash this down, Asda has even more imaginatively suggested a vodka and rhubarb cocktail.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks no less than six unemployment rates, imaginatively named U-1 through U-6.
The user-friendly site, which runs on open source Chinese wiki software, has colorful graphics and icons to click on imaginatively designed sections.
We were driven to it by our own energies, which were not sufficiently engaged, not imaginatively used in the rest of our lives.
Where surface coal mining disfigures landscapes, these must be restored imaginatively, creating more work for labourers but also for gardening designers, arborists and the such like.
FORBES: How Much Energy Do Apple's Data Centers Get From Coal? [UPDATED]
If you don't choose a name, it will be named by default, imaginatively, "audio text, " "audio text 1, " and so on, incrementing each time you run the workflow script.
ENGADGET: How-to: One-click audio news, synced with your iPod in Tiger
To celebrate "The Hunger Games, " the cookie-maker designed an imaginatively themed cookie-box featuring 16 cookies in the likenesses of, among other things, Katniss and her "girl on fire" costume.
Half of the beers on offer are international ales while the others are from Polish brewers, including the imaginatively named light beer Pierwsza Pomoc (First Aid) from the Pinta brewery.
Obama also assimilated a key lesson from the Bush years: unconventional enemies are often best countered with unconventional responses, which in the case of terrorists means using special forces often and imaginatively.
FORBES: Compared With Bush, Obama's Defense Record Looks Real Good
The question is, are you also the sort of reader who believes professional novella-length journalism, imaginatively packaged in a way that leverages the capabilities of the digital format, is worth three bucks a pop?
FORBES: The Atavist: Building a home for longform in the digital landscape
Intel has yet to fully transition its desktop line over to its Turbo Boost-boasting Core 2010 series, yet its competitor has already announced its own, imaginatively titled, competing technology in the form of Turbo Core.
ENGADGET: AMD's hexacore Phenom II X6 will offer Turbo Core automatic overclocking
Not only do you have to look at how information flows in the business model as it currently exists, you have to imaginatively think through how the information content could be different under alternative what-if business models.
Nobody visiting them for the first time is a stranger because he's already visited them in paintings, novels, history books and films, but if a city hasn't been used by an artist, not even the inhabitants live there imaginatively.
It might have been far easier to have overcome this difficulty if the original proposals for a Commonwealth civil service had been imaginatively carried out if the Commonwealth countries had been prepared to send more technicians and administrators of their own to serve the colonies in their transitional stages.
Whilst doing so, we should recognise the critical role of organisations working with and on behalf of blind people, such as the Royal National Institute of the Blind here in the UK, whose support and resource base is crucial to making this old invention come alive in imaginatively new ways.