• Presumed consent would mean that Welsh residents would be presumed to be organ donors unless they have joined an opt out register or immediate relatives object.

    BBC: Health committee

  • Hours after ECOWAS' announcement, the U.S. State Department announced that it was imposing sanctions on travel to the United States on people "who block Mali's return to civilian rule and a democratically elected government" and on their immediate relatives.


  • Hours after ECOWAS' announcement, the U.S. Department of State announced that it was imposing sanctions on travel to the United States on those people "who block Mali's return to civilian rule and a democratically elected government" and on their immediate relatives.

    CNN: African Union adds to sanctions in Mali

  • There was no immediate response from the federal government or Elian's relatives in Miami, but earlier in the day, Attorney General Janet Reno said she knew what orders she would give if the court rules in favor of the Justice Department.

    CNN: Appeals court rules Elian must stay in U.S. pending appeal

  • Other caveats: The IRS may try to count days used by immediate family members as "personal days, " even if relatives pay a market rent.

    WSJ: Tax Report: Rules for Renting Out Your Vacation Home

  • On Remembrance Sunday this year, families of service personnel killed in Iraq delivered a letter signed by about 750 relatives and veterans to Downing Street, calling for the immediate return of British troops.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Hunting support tops e-petitions

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