And the transplantation of foreign tissue could provoke an immune response from the body which could reject the new cornea.
Once these cells, called islet cells, are destroyed by the immune system, the body has no way of making insulin.
Scientists are finding tantalizing evidence that the immune system, the body's defense against disease-causing microbes, kicks in to play a critical role in combating cancer.
The hope was that exposure to the genes would prompt an immune response in the body so that cells containing HIV virus would be recognised and destroyed.
"I think that's the thing people don't understand -- the heightened intensity does damage to your body, immune system, energy levels, on the fitness of your muscles, ligaments, tendons, " Gimelstob said.
This was because by this stage, the immune system had destroyed the body's islet cells.
During MS the body's immune system turns on its own nerves causing debilitating muscle problems.
These antibodies then mobilise the body's immune defences to attack and destroy the cells.
The vaccine stimulates the body's immune system to attack cells with the mutation, leaving normal cells unharmed.
Areas such as the immune system and how the body responds to damage and stress were affected.
Fakhrai explains that Lucanix is designed to get the body's immune system to kill lung cancer cells.
The ingap gene offers a more natural approach than insulin injections, if it can survive the body's immune defenses.
Strains of strep A with the highest levels of SpyCEP were most effective at inhibiting the body's immune response.
Vaccination is a medical procedure that works by stimulating the body's immune system.
Increased levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, hurt the body's immune system.
In lupus the body's immune system turns on itself and produces "autoantibodies" that attack the joints, skin, kidneys, heart and brain.
Queen bees are creatures of circumstance, encircling potential rivals in much the same way as the immune system attacks a foreign body.
Scientists have been trying for decades to understand why the body's immune system didn't see cancer cells as the enemy and attack them.
One on microbes relies on virtual reality to let kids energize the body's immune system by whacking computer-generated images of viruses attacking healthy tissue.
Even though the body's immune system cannot beat cancer, it still produces a response, creating antibodies targeted at proteins on the surface of cancer cells.
"This chemical acts as the eyes and ears of the immune system, scouring the body for diseased cells, " said Heather Andrews, one of the researchers.
Once these carrier skin cells mature and die, the body's immune system, failing to notice the HPV hordes inside, no longer perceives them as a threat.
Once these carrier skin cells mature and die, the body's immune system no longer perceives them as a threat, failing to notice the HPV hordes inside.
Vitamin D levels, which play a role in the body's immune response and vary with exposure to sunlight, make latitude of residence a possible risk factor.
WSJ: The Research Report: Slapping On a Skin Patch to Combat Hay Fever
This would be useful in cases of severe injury where the immune system turns against the body and causes organs to shut down one by one.
But their side-effects can upset the function of the body's immune system, which could be crucial in a severely injured patient, who needs to fight potential infection.
And the tests used to diagnosis hepatitis and HIV are based on the body's immune system response to infection, so some results could have come back negative prematurely.
CNN: Dozens of Okla. dentist's patients positive for hepatitis
Another theory is that the initial illness may have created an autoimmune reaction, causing the body's immune system to attack normal cells as if they were foreign substances.
If these can be identified, they hope that the number of these on the surface of tumour cells can be boosted, so they present an obvious target for "killer" cells in the body's immune system.
Tissue cloned in this way from the patient's own cells would not, it is thought, be rejected by the body's immune system, which is currently a major obstacle to organ transplants and many other treatments.
ECONOMIST: To clone or not to clone, is that the question? | The