They focus on asthma, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer and immune function.
"The implications of the work extend beyond the impact of zinc on innate immune function, " he said.
Allergies usually result from an overactive immune function that may detect and eradicate malignant cells from the body, researchers said.
Isolation, loneliness and low social status can harm a person's subjective sense of well-being, as well as his or her intellectual achievement, immune function and health.
Vitamin D also appears to play a role in healthy immune function and reducing inflammation, a risk factor for numerous diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
It makes sense that abused women would report worse health, given that people in stressful situations have higher levels of stress hormones, which interfere with immune function, Crawford said.
"Whether this is because of improved balance in immune function, similar to what we report with sepsis, remains to be proven but perhaps requires further study, " Dr Knoell said.
More commonly, the person has lost a great deal of immune function and becomes susceptible to infection, or cachexia can lead to metabolic disorders that can cause heart rhythm disturbances.
Nutritionists say that limiting caloric intake in a compressed time frame can lead to nutrient deficiencies, causing decreased immune function, dry skin and loss of muscle or bone density, for starters.
Very recently the Institute of Medicine of the prestigious U.S. National Academy of Science published a review of the scientific literature and noted that vitamin D may be linked to heart disease, immune function, cancer prevention and diabetes.
In addition, probiotics can help improve the function of your immune system and improve digestive function in general -- so I'm not surprised that you feel better after adding probiotics to your diet.
Beta carotene is a type of carotenoid, a plant pigment that is a provitamin for vitamin A. During its digestion and metabolism, a percentage is converted to vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that is important for vision, growth and development, and healthy immune and reproductive function.
In adults, the chemicals may disrupt immune systems and reproductive function.
They believe that sleep deprivation or sleep disturbances may affect the immune system's ability to function at an optimal level.
But their side-effects can upset the function of the body's immune system, which could be crucial in a severely injured patient, who needs to fight potential infection.
"There is a worsening of the respiratory function, related to the state of his depressed immune system, " Villegas said, reading an official statement on state-run VTV.
CNN: Battling a new infection, Chavez has breathing problems