"Parents can easily protect their children by having them immunised with the MMR vaccine, " she said.
Pregnant women have been routinely immunised against tetanus in the developing world for decades.
Letters are being sent out urging parents whose children have not already been immunised to take advantage.
With current foot-and-mouth vaccines it is difficult to distinguish between immunised livestock and those which have been infected.
In Swansea it has taken a huge outbreak of measles to prompt parents to get their children immunised.
The recurring cost of options to American companies were they to be immunised would be about 20% of profits.
The children will be immunised using a nasal spray rather than an injection.
In Cambodia, Afghanistan, the Philippines and Sri Lanka, combatants agreed to stop shooting briefly to allow children to be immunised.
"Anyone born after 1970 should make sure they are immunised, especially those in the 10-18 year-old age group, " he said.
In my opinion parents who now refuse to have their children immunised are putting the lives of those children at risk.
The MMR vaccine was introduced in the UK in 1988 and by 1992 more than 90% of children were being immunised.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | South Yorkshire | Measles outbreak affects children
Children are a third more likely to be properly immunised in New England than in southern states like Alabama and Kentucky.
The event's website also has a message from PHW warning people about the outbreak and urging everyone to check they are immunised.
Unless every child at risk is immunised the effort will have been wasted and the virus will spread quickly throughout the world.
BBC: Some schemes were halted after claims about side-effects
All children are immunised against rubella (also known as German measles).
Public Health Wales (PHW) said if people are not immunised before going to the festival in Pembrokeshire the infection could spread throughout Wales.
They hope to raise awareness of the infection and the importance of getting babies immunised promptly, so that they're protected as early as possible.
Adults up to the age of 30 who missed out on the vaccine when they were children can still be immunised, Dr Lamden said.
It has not been decided whether the rest of the population will then be immunised, although the government has ordered enough vaccine to do so.
Young children are immunised against a dozen diseases, not least meningitis.
But immunisation officials want parents elsewhere to be proactive and not wait until they see an outbreak of measles in their area before getting their children immunised.
Dr Lyons said that children who have not been fully immunised face a life-long risk of catching measles but said one dose of MMR would protect 90% of children very quickly and two doses protects 99%.
Dr Lyons added that children who have not been fully immunised face a life-long risk of catching measles but said one dose of MMR would protect 90% of children very quickly and two doses protects 99%.