The impact of an event on either the macroeconomic or geopolitical stage could result in a swing in oil prices.
"It's obviously hard to know what the impact of an event like that is on the way that lawmakers and others in Washington approach other issues, " Carney told reporters.
"Players are increasingly reluctant to play in the UK, which reduces broadcaster and sponsor interest, and therefore the impact of that event on the sport and the local and national economy, " says The Lawn Tennis Association.
However, few alive in 1958 could forget the dramatic impact of that Moscow event.
"This is more of a media event than a real impact on the traffic of spam, " says Adam Swidler, Postini's senior manager of solutions marketing.
Despite the enormous emotional impact of such a large-scale event, he helps us reconnect with the individual human element.
"You want people to share the joy and impact of finishing a life-changing event, of having their friends and family there, " said Doug Thurston, director of the Big Sur International Marathon to take place April 28.
Sports business analyst Drew Barrand says organizers might take a slight hit on food and drink sales if people choose to vacate the venue during England games, but doesn't expect the decision to have any major impact on the business success of the event.
The timing of the BlackBerry 10 launch event for January 30, 2013 could also impact sales of current BlackBerry 7 products as some customers may defer purchasing decisions and wait for BlackBerry 10 devices.
Below we take a look at how this event could impact the value of the company.
The impact of staging such a huge Bank Holiday event on the hospitality trade is also clear.
In this spirit and with the mission to scale the scope and impact of the conversation beyond this one-day event, we have launched a dedicated Power Redefined section on .
FORBES: Power Redefined: Announcing The Forbes Women's Summit
During the event, each city will speak about the impact of the cuts and how they are tackling them.
The much smaller size of the impactor suggests the impact didn't cause a global event.
With the topic of economic impact, the devil is in the details and every event has its own research peculiarities.
FORBES: Educating Sports Commissions and CVBs About the Economic Impact of Sports
Flanked by firefighters and other emergency responders at a campaign-style event on Tuesday, Obama called for balancing the impact of deficit reduction so that the middle class and vulnerable citizens such as the elderly don't get hit too hard.
On Tuesday, Obama held a campaign-style event at the White House to call for balancing the impact of deficit reduction so that the middle class and vulnerable citizens such as the elderly don't get hit too hard.
It's also unlikely that this event would happen within 3, 000 miles of the Tunguska impact.
There are a host of actions, including humanitarian assistance, that have had an impact on the event there.
If ever there was an event that deserved to be the first Asian tournament to impact the top of the world rankings this is the one.
We also intend to mitigate the impact of binational disasters on communities by establishing procedures to manage land and maritime traffic in the event of a border area emergency, and enhance our collective preparedness for security threats of all types -- health, chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive.
Besides bringing new species to the textbooks - and relegating them immediately to the "extinct" category - the study sheds new light on the extinction event, widely thought to have been caused by an enormous asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 65.5 million years ago.
Social Media Week is a global event, occurring in 24 cities, with the purpose to examine the cultural and economic impact of social media around the world.
The question is one of the most hotly contested in palaeontology and revolves around an apparent gap in the fossil record immediately prior to the K-T boundary - the distinct layer of geological sediments separating the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods, and associated with a massive asteroid impact and global extinction event.
If asteroids as big as DA14 pass close to Earth once every decade or two, and meteors as large as the Chelyabinsk one impact once every 100 years (a similar meteor having caused the Tunguska event in 1908), the chance of both events happening on any one day are indeed very small: 1 in 3, 650 days times 1 in 36, 500 days, or about 1 in 100 million -- not odds you would bet against.
The campaign to spread positive awareness seems to have had an impact, and together with scientists and astronomers, thousands of amateur stargazers and students turned out to watch this amazing celestial event.