News cycles today are faster than ever, and the media is impatient and hungry.
The underlying reasons seem to be that investors, often self-directed, are impatient and irrational.
Perhaps I am being impatient and the full effects of the multiple recalls have not yet impacted Toyota sales.
The Millennials have a reputation for being impatient and for wanting to move up quickly, by switching jobs often.
"They are becoming more and more impatient and they're becoming more and more violent as a result, " Rosenberg said.
So how can you avoid being labeled a difficult patient, possibly by a doctor who's just impatient and stressed out?
While doctors are often very gadget-y, they are also impatient and too busy to deal with a lot of training.
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Koshiishi looks and sounds like a wise grandfather, sometimes (as now) in contrast with Noda who seems the impatient and reckless youth.
But it does send an unmistakable message that the Senate is getting impatient and, of course, we have elections for Congress next year.
The charity said on Wednesday that staff in public places are impatient and sometimes rude and not enough films are shown with subtitles.
Calling all impatient and impecunious fans of East Asian fare in New York City: Food Gallery 32 is cooking in the midst of Koreatown.
Their customers are fickle, impatient and have a short attention span.
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Traders say the market is growing impatient and wants to see other strong measures, such as greater deregulation and plans to spur business and consumer spending.
In an era when consumers are increasingly impatient and will start abandoning your website after less than two seconds of waiting, these slowdowns hurt both viewership and revenue.
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"I'm just very impatient and I think the American people are going to be impatient with any attempt to hold these funds hostage to political objectives, " he said.
CNN: FEMA funding faces now familiar congressional wrangling
After little more than 50 pages the reader has already learned that Americans have made a religion out of commerce, are intellectually impatient and consume more than they conserve.
"I just think he grew impatient and sees a shakeout coming in the Detroit auto industry, and he really wasn't comfortable holding that much money in it, " says De Lorenzo.
People are impatient and, many would argue, irrationally so.
At the same time, I watched as my fellow judges would grow impatient and even angry when there was a tech widget that was not powered by a good idea or a relevant story.
Nearly a third of all CEOs who were fired last year left because they didn't live up to the expectations of increasingly demanding--and impatient--shareholders and boards.
Qassim Abdul Jabbar grumbles, not at all convinced, and puts a finger on the face of his watch, indicating to Atiq that everyone's growing impatient, and all because of him.
It allows traders to become bored and impatient with a name, and that is a sign that fresh money has an opportunity to take it higher.
By that, I mean Americans are impatient, and they're going to want to see American involvement in this conflict ended very soon.
While waiting, many become fearful of being left without a position (or are just plain impatient) and so they jump in, only to have their position go immediately against them.
These standards are hard and fast rules that make it impossible for, say, an airline-mechanic crew at LaGuardia Airport to give into the demands of impatient pilots and passengers when something appears to be not quite right with the landing gear on a departing plane.
FORBES: Memo to New SEC Chief: Ask the FAA How to Stop the Next Flash Crash
At a time when many of the governed are unhappy and impatient, the international community faces a real test of its capacity and will.
He moves slowly and stiffly -- 56 years old and on the verge of retirement -- but he's impatient with protocol and evidently resentful about his lack of advancement.
This comic novel will amuse and sell well, for the better elements of our culture and our youth have grown impatient with the travails and aggrandizing of Twixter books, movies, music and TV.
For example, I used to be one of the most stubborn and impatient individuals on the planet.