He resigned as president in August 2008 to avoid impeachment by a new, democratically elected parliament.
" Again, there's the hopeful example of 1998-99: "The Clinton impeachment captures the dynamic.
The Illinois governor saw them as "driving discussion of his possible impeachment, " the affidavit said.
He left the country in 2008 under the shadow of impeachment after losing power in elections.
Paraguay was suspended from the group after last year's impeachment of the left-wing President Fernando Lugo.
But voters also viewed the impeachment as an overreach, and Mr. Clinton's poll numbers shot up.
The articles of impeachment had already emerged from the House Judiciary Committee prior to the election.
It was never discussed by the members of the Judiciary Committee during the impeachment inquiry.
Let me read from Article I from the resolution of impeachment against Judge Walter Nixon.
He has asked the country's Supreme Court to annul the results of the impeachment proceedings.
Some have argued that by voting for impeachment we are lowering the bar for impeachment.
The House of Representatives has the sole power to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president.
Changing the impeachment trial's rules would have required a two-thirds margin, or 67 votes.
The Republican governor of Connecticut resigned amid allegations of corruption and facing possible impeachment.
He chose not to use his Treasury position in a way that would justify an impeachment.
Most of the Senate's precedents, of course, are based on the impeachment trials of judges.
Now, after going through Clinton's impeachment ordeal, Americans take personal qualities a lot more seriously.
For a time, the Reagan White House was in a panic over the prospect of impeachment.
In this matter the House Judiciary Committee took only a few weeks to report impeachment articles.
President Joseph Estrada of the Philippines said he would not resign as opponents threatened impeachment.
We should not dignify these articles of impeachment by sending them to the full House.
Zimbabwe's opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change, started impeachment proceedings against President Robert Mugabe .
Only one lawmaker in the lower chamber voted against impeachment, while 76 voted in favor.
Those same voters would interpret backing down from impeachment now as the ultimate capitulation.
Or Henry Hyde, the silver-haired chairman of the House committee where articles of impeachment originate.
As for Reagan and Clinton, despite Iran-Contra and impeachment, their second terms were mostly policy successes.
WSJ: Unlucky (Lame) Ducks? The Myth of the Presidential Second-Term Curse
Poll after poll has shown that Congress is deeply unpopular for having launched the impeachment inquiry.
Clinton made the announcement Thursday, barely two hours after the Senate ceremonially opened his impeachment trial.
CNN: Clinton asks Congress to triple funding for after-school programs
The consequences of the impeachment of the president of the United States are far-reaching.
Impeachment hearings also began against two other deputies accused in the scandal - Brazil's worst for years.