By replicating DNA slightly imperfectly, it has tried out many different possible organic blueprints.
That they didn't is arguably a sign that democracy is working in Indonesia, albeit imperfectly.
One snag is that the mix of Italy's businesses may be imperfectly suited to the new global economy.
Most scientific discoveries can be boiled down to a sound bite, however imperfectly.
Yet America, exceptionally if imperfectly, has led and still leads the world.
FORBES: To The Shores Of Tripoli: Empires Fell; Dictators Arose; Republicanism Prevails
That does not affect their electrical conductivity, but nanoscale particles like this are known to scatter and obstruct the passage of heat through imperfectly understood quantum-mechanical processes.
"This logic represents a fundamental challenge to the principles on which, however imperfectly, world peace and stability have rested for the last 58 years, " Annan told the U.N.
It could be defects due to missing atoms, thermal vibrations of the crystal lattice, or even the boundaries between small, imperfectly formed crystals that make up the material.
Though it may be possible to adapt, often imperfectly, to some of the effects of climate change, Mr Victor argues that it is much harder to help others adapt.
The signals that indicate where the copying machinery should start and stop, which is a good working definition of where on a chromosome a gene begins and ends, are imperfectly understood.
ECONOMIST: The ��book of life�� may be missing half of its words
That, in broad measure, Romney accomplished, if somewhat imperfectly.
FORBES: Obama Wins Debate On Points, Fails To Accomplish Objective
Protecting public services, such as the imperfectly reformed National Health Service (see article), is the other, for public services are disproportionately used by the poor, and their employees tend to vote Labour.
ECONOMIST: Bashing the rich is bad politics and rotten economics
They will be the first to remind that those who make ill-conceived solutions to imperfectly understood military problems, especially for political reasons, are never those who have to pay the price for their capriciousness.
Sometimes facts are wrong or imperfectly understood.
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Al Gore (D-TN), the Senate signalled that it, at least, had learned one of the most important lessons of the Gulf War: It is better to be defended, even imperfectly, against ballistic missile attack than to be defenseless against it.
Victor himself, although he grows up in a loving family, is imperfectly guided and becomes a disciple of discredited alchemists - the implication being that his considerable mental gifts have been imperfectly formed, which ultimately leads to his inappropriate use of them to create his imperfect "child".
Let us hope that the advances of recent times will reawaken a sense of awe and well-being, that we will rest easy in the knowledge that there is indeed a God and that we will rediscover and reinvigorate the principles--however imperfectly adhered to--that created this nation: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.