In this series of commercials, each impish man transgresses an established gender norm.
That last picture shows him as I'll always remember him, his eyes sparkling and with a wide, impish grin.
With his impish smile and twinkling eyes, the Saarlander is easy to underestimate.
His information, understanding, impish humour and integrity meant he was always worth a conversation, whatever the time of day or night.
Robbins can seem mulish and out of it, but then, as an impish grin takes over his face, he suddenly becomes inspired.
Part of the problem, I suspect, is that he really did start out as a lightweight, an impish comedian with a dilettantish streak.
WSJ: Francis Poulenc | More Than Almost Great | Sightings by Terry Teachout
She sounds positively impish in the face of profound existential emptiness.
Was it another artful touch to give the property a sense of history, a ready-made story, perhaps, about an impish guest who absconded with the bills?
When a small, impish lad by the name of Phillips turned up at Southampton's training ground in 1994, they did not believe he was a striker.
When Dylan popped up in a bizarre lingerie ad, it seemed to be in large part just an impish provocation in tune with Dylan's well-known penchant for mischief.
If I'm feeling impish, I can switch them all around by swirling the track wheel and mashing a few backlit buttons while I'm walking from the living room to the bedroom.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is not everyone's barrel of fun but I like him because he's impish and honest, and the other day he said an obvious but rather extraordinary thing.
The Texas Congressman may be the most interesting phenomenon of this campaign, and his gleeful, impish speech extolling liberty and castigating government was a thing of freewheeling beauty in a world where so much is pre-planned, plotted and rehearsed.
Myhrvold is of Nordic extraction, and he looks every bit the bearded, fair-haired Viking not so much the tall, ferocious kind who raped and pillaged as the impish, roly-poly kind who stayed home by the fjords trying to turn lead into gold.