The idea of westerners coming in to help run Russian cities, or even whole regions, still seems implausible.
She says it's implausible that the drugs would have no fracture effect on women with osteopenia.
But any notion of a bipartisan bill is implausible, a former Clinton administration official said Monday.
CNN: Obama, Democrats urged to find unity on health care reform
It is implausible that wage disparities of hundreds or thousands of times reflect differences in effort.
FORBES: Why we Should Raise Taxes on the Rich (Debate Recap)
These statisticians became aware of instances of what the companies called "biologically implausible" data.
This implausible causal link was drawn on the very day of the city's deliverance.
Under Daubert, judges must exclude witnesses who rely on implausible theories or poor methodology.
Battlefied acupuncture is so ridiculously implausible that you might want to laugh out loud.
FORBES: Battlefield Acupuncture: Pseudoscience for Wounded Troops
But it's implausible, in his view, to suggest they are entirely unrelated to QE.
Some seem implausible to outsiders, but less so in the opaque, cynical world of Russian politics.
Instructions from the man in Whitehall are, at best, an implausible way of improving consumer choice.
And the idea that medical education is responsible for the difference in cost-efficiency is implausible at best.
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Any outright lie, especially one that seems implausible, will crush your chances with this employer, Kane says.
FORBES: What To Do When You Don't Hear Back After A Job Interview
The story is plainly told, without flashbacks, jump cuts, outbursts of Technicolor violence or implausible last-minute twists.
But they also rest on assumptions about government spending that are not merely implausible but wholly unrealistic.
Obama supporter Jake Maynard reportedly devised a perfectly implausible explanation Thursday that frees the president from any blame.
Implausible as it may sound, right now equities and corporate bonds are a better long-term bet than cash.
It would be easy to dismiss the murder allegations as implausible were it not for Chile's recent history.
Where price or lack of access makes fixed broadband impossible or implausible, mobile broadband is a viable substitute.
Such pleas are not implausible, and because bureaucratic snags are common in China, they may be heard sympathetically.
Mr Tusk's main rival, PiS, is benefiting more from the government's mistakes than from its own implausible policies.
Employers' prejudice also seems implausible: an employer is unlikely to know how tall an employee was when young.
Few entries in the annals of conversion sound quite so implausible on first acquaintance as that of C.
Despite huge gaps in the plot and some implausible staging of scenes, the old-school storytelling exudes a primal force.
Major League Baseball's (MLB) plan to replicate this through the discovery of a hidden talent is not entirely implausible.
Homeopathy is one of the most absurd, wildly implausible forms of quack medicine.
FORBES: New British Minister of Health believes in magic potions
There is a mystery here, and the more you think about it, the more implausible the Galapagos story seems.
There is another Kurzweil, though the one who makes seemingly unbelievable, implausible predictions about a human transformation just around the corner.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview: Will Google's Ray Kurzweil Live Forever?
Making matters worse, some of the firms had chosen implausible discount rates (with the effect of reducing their estimated liabilities).
Under present and foreseeable circumstances, it seems implausible that Israel can expect to have peace in the absence of secure borders.