There is a great opportunity for financial advisers to help their clients lower their tax drag by discussing tax basics, and the implications of recent tax legislation.
So this is one report where ministers are led by the nose through the implications of their tax decisions on output and tax revenue.
Another IT solution would target the privacy implications of collecting sales tax via a medium that is capable of storing the names and purchases of every citizen in the country.
These issue center around three issues, who owns the creative work, who controls the future ownership of the creative work, and what are the tax implications of the creative work.
The employment and tax revenue implications of these data are clear, a good economy generates jobs and tax revenue.
The tax implications of winning the automobile are simple if he keeps the car.
FORBES: Tax Implications Of Joe Flacco's Super Bowl MVP Award
He advised private equity firms about the tax implications of proposed acquisitions.
FORBES: Insider Trading Hurts: McKinsey Survives But Target Companies Suffer
To claim a magical five-star rating from Morningstar or to win a year-end bonus, a manager might ignore the tax implications of frequently trading stocks.
As far as I can tell there is only one tax blogger who devotes more space to the tax implications of same sex marriage than I do.
FORBES: President Obama Being For Marriage Equality Does Not Make Marriage An Unqualified Good Deal
The lawyer that understands the intricate tax implications of U.S.-Brazil joint ventures is now much more valuable than the generalist lawyer that introduces you to that person.
FORBES: It's Now What You Know That Matters - Not Who You Know
You need to understand both the short- and long-term financial and tax implications of each divorce settlement option in order to determine which one will best secure your financial future.
For women going through a divorce or just thinking about it, we analyze both the short- and long-term financial and tax implications of various divorce settlement options in order to help our clients secure their financial future.
FORBES: Divorcing Women Need to Answer These Key Questions Before Deciding to Keep The House
Think of the divorce financial planner like the quarterback of your financial team, the person who is responsible for creating the comprehensive financial analyses and the projections that you and your divorce attorney will need to fully understand the short- and long-term financial and tax implications of each proposed divorce settlement offer.
FORBES: The Secret to Surviving Divorce with Your Finances Intact
Meet with an attorney who focuses in small business law, estate planning attorney and tax attorney in advance to discuss the tax implications of agreements such as a Buy-Sell Agreement, Shareholder Agreement, or a Stock Redemption Agreement which are commonly used in business succession planning and may be necessary to execute your succession plan.
FORBES: Identifying a Successor for Your Family-Owned Business
Texas Governor Rick Perry seeks somewhat of a flat tax, and the positive implications of such a move would be quite something.
FORBES: A Flat Tax Would Be Fine, A Consumption Tax True Perfection
Is there anything that this administration is doing to consider, calculate, pose in any way, shape or form, weigh or measure potential deficit implications or economic implications of a value-added tax?
The Alliance Party's Trevor Lunn cautiously supported the motion only because it contained the words "in principle", and added the investigation currently on-going by the Treasury into the implications of a lowering of corporation tax should provide the details necessary to have a full debate on the issue.
By 2005, Centre Partners had fully exited the business through secondary offerings, but with the business still growing three years later and an alteration of the tax implications for Canadian income trusts, the time was right to step back into the business and the private equity firm acquired Connor Bros.
FORBES: Meet The Men Who Bought And Sold Bumble Bee Tuna...Twice
Two days later, currency traders woke up to yet another round of rules and tax implications.
Our hope is that you consider this blog a resource in your journey to become fully educated about the financial, tax and other implications of your divorce.
In Michigan, Heller did a study four years ago on the long-term implications for state coffers following removal of the sales-tax exemption on precious-metals coins.
Work with a tax adviser to understand the implications and limitations of the gift.
The results have important implications for understanding the impact of U.S. corporate tax policy on multinational firms.
FORBES: Misunderstanding Tax Breaks, Dividends and Reinvestment
Moscow's flexing of its muscles in the energy sector - which saw state-owned firm Gazprom temporarily cut off gas supplies to neighbouring Ukraine - as well as new rules for the foreign ownership of Russian companies and export tax rises, all have implications for BP.
There are thousands of investment vehicles to choose from, and each can have radically different tax implications.
FORBES: Want to Boost Investment Returns? Start with Tax Management
Another Fidelity watcher, Jack Bowers, editor of the newsletter Fidelity Monitor, is similarly bullish on the income replacement funds but cautions about the tax implications.
And, as my Tax Policy Center colleague Gene Steuerle often notes, putting so much of government on autopilot has important implications for democracy as well as budgets.
FORBES: How Obama's Inaugural Address Frames The Policy Debate For The Next Decade