An important measure of progress is that business leaders are beginning to feel more confident.
And yet, by at least one important measure, market capitalization, that's where it belongs.
Add to that performance, perhaps the most important measure, and it is near the top.
The most important measure of progress: IEDs caused less than half of troop deaths for the first time in five years.
The important measure of success is the internal quantum efficiency, which shows just how good an LED is at making light.
Now, certification can be an important measure of the quality of the teacher, and obviously we want teachers to be well qualified.
The typical Belgian worker's pension income is 46% of income just before retirement the so-called "replacement ratio, " an important measure of pension system finances.
Consistency is an important measure of how cool you are, in effect, and we all know that the cool kids tend to win.
FORBES: How To Master Yourself, Your Unconscious, And The People Around You: Part 5
This is an important measure of our economy as a whole, one that tells us how much we are producing and how much businesses and families are earning.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Milestones on the Economy and the Recovery Act | The White House
WomenCertified this month identified a list of dealerships that performed well with female respondents on customer satisfaction surveys, including the all-important measure whether they would recommend the dealership to others.
When the news was announced, finance minister Amado Boudou - who has since become vice president - told the BBC it was "an important measure to combat tax evasion and money laundering".
Critics say the arrangements can provide political payoffs and cede an important measure of discretion to private lawyers who may pursue a case with little merit because it has the potential for a rich settlement.
Although I am no fan of top down austerity, David Cameron earned an important measure of respect from me this week for empowering an arguably quirky approach to solving problems in a new and different way.
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Same-store sales growth is an important measure to gauge the performance of a restaurant chain since it includes only the restaurants opened for at least a year and excludes the newly opened (and closed) restaurants, sales of which might be unusually low or high.
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"Full searching is an important security measure against the smuggling of dangerous items into Wetherby, " a Prison Service spokesman said.
But "their agreement to improve the security of nuclear sites and materials heralds an important practical measure that benefits everyone but the terrorists targeting Americans and Russians", it added.
Because each and every one of you made a decision that at a moment of such urgency, it was less important to measure what the polls said than to measure what was right.
Asking people how important they are is not the best measure of how important they really are.
CNN: How to create a buzz: the business lesson for marketers
Even if his statement on currency manipulation was a cynical ploy for votes, he has nonetheless created a clear marker by which important constituencies will measure him.
Significantly, an important Delta revenue measure rose last month.
FORBES: Delta Air Lines Grounded By Hurricane Sandy: $20M Lost In Oct. Alone
The federal funds rate is considered by most as the single instrument of monetary policy, now that everyone seems to have forgotten about money growth as a more important instrument and measure.
FORBES: Through the FOMC's Looking Glass: An Orgy of Transparency
"The concept is a good one, but it's important not to measure every widget, because the numbers aren't going to tell you the whole story, " said Cliff Rossi, a former Citigroup risk officer who is now a Tyser Teaching Fellow at the Robert H.
But this version differed in an important way from the measure passed by the Senate just a few days earlier.
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The exercise of thinking through and building the model is very important in helping you measure success and identify risks.
FORBES: Why Customer Service is Much More than a Niche - an Interview with Assistly's Alex Bard
"This may be the single most important gun violence prevention measure that the government could adopt, " said Nichols, an attorney with the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
For Facebook, the Obama event was important in no small measure because it is trying to build its relationships with Washington as its activities are increasingly of interest to Congress.
Perhaps equally beneficial was t he Supreme Court's June ruling that the Affordable Care Act didn't violate the Constitution, ending a litany of legal challenges and giving the controversial measure an important public affirmation.
It was recommended that school safety plan should be firmly adopted as an important disaster risk reduction measure in order to keep the children and community safe in case of floods, earthquake, tsunami and other natural disasters.
The shameful situation in which the Senate of the United States -- long reputed to be the World's Greatest Deliberative Body -- is effectively denied the opportunity to debate and vote on a measure as important as the American Missile Protection Act of 1998 is most immediately the handiwork of Sen.