Given that Taylor farms 10, 000 acres, from Vancouver Island down into Mexico, that is impressive testimony.
Here visitors will find an impressive assortment of big names like Picasso, Robert Mapplethorpe and Ansel Adams.
It also has the most impressive chapel: King's College, dating from 1446, with a renowned boys' choir.
Derry were dominant in all sectors in the opening period, with James Kielt particularly impressive at midfield.
While not the most impressive display you can't miss it, and the nice Sony HDTV.
Indonesia has made impressive strides in meeting the global Education for All (EFA) targets.
And rather than eliminate the slugger, the new bats make him look more impressive.
My office was for many years on Park Avenue, which is less impressive than it sounds.
Brandon Lyon (2-2) pitched a scoreless eighth in relief of an impressive Jonathon Niese.
"Despite the dreadful weather, both the food and non-food sectors reported impressive growth, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Summer rain fails to dampen sales
They have been tracking this stuff for the past decade and the trends are impressive.
FORBES: Clean Energy Innovation: An Unstoppable and Volatile Force
The site is impressive: the outer walls enclose an area of several hundred square metres.
Mario Gotze will add to Munich's impressive squad, making the move from Dortmund in the off-season.
Strong demand for smartphones is helping the cellular baseband market grow by impressive rates every year.
With the full getup, six speakers and a Dolby amplifier, the results are impressive indeed.
Oakey produced an impressive performance in his win over Spartacus, who had never been stopped previously.
We stayed in room 8, but 10 and 11 also boast similarly impressive views.
If Apple sold just 50 million tablets this year, it would be fairly impressive.
This cannot be done overnight, but already has a lot of impressive mergers of activity.
While Jeter's statistics are impressive, there's another reason he deserves formal recognition: great leadership.
Observers recall a not particularly impressive political figure, who nonetheless proved himself an adept administrator.
David Davis and his team have produced a detailed and impressive set of proposals.
Where Favilli and Cavallo made an impressive pitch (some excerpts in the video above).
FORBES: A touch to learn and discover with Timbuktu, first iPad magazine for kids
This weekend of work would have been far more impressive had some House leaders taken part.
FORBES: Senate GOP Leaders Offer Up A Supersized Immigration Waffle
We have to be careful with ascribing intelligence to seemingly impressive behaviours, he says.
From zero to docking with space stations in ten years is an impressive achievement.
This would keep some pent up bullish momentum in the tape (this would be impressive).
As impressive as that was, however, Apple still only sold an estimated 1.8 million tablets.
FORBES: iPhone 5 Sets Chinese Record, Sells Two Million Units
Easter Island, Chile, is equally impressive to families with children, couples or single travelers.
On Sunday, the U-17 Americans posted an impressive 3-0 against a talented Czech Republic team.