Only an improbable victory by Papua New Guinea against Australia on Sunday can deny England a semi-final spot.
But they've yet to prove their case, and it looks increasingly improbable that they ever will.
The hope lasted six minutes and was crushed in the most improbable of ways.
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It left Bermuda needing an improbable 6.44 runs an over to pull off an upset.
But the texture of Theresa's improbable flirtation with this septuagenarian rake is depressingly innocent.
Colorado, that spirit has guided us along this improbable journey for more than two centuries.
The odds of a sovereign-debt default have shortened, making other risks seem less improbable as well.
Other improbable-sounding ploys work because the courts have blessed some taxpayer-friendly interpretation of a complicated code.
That played out over the week at the HTC Center with the improbable run.
The composer constructs a situation on the board that is theoretically possible, although often highly improbable.
For all Ms Mowlam's verve, agreement still seems improbable, but it no longer seems absolutely impossible.
And that spirit has guided this country along its improbable journey for two centuries now.
And that spirit has guided this nation along its improbable journey for more than two centuries.
That spirit has guided this country along its improbable journey for more than two centuries.
Such consent would have been unthinkable a year ago, but is now merely improbable.
But the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has never had a problem with highly improbable events.
There is, however, another way in which Mr Gingrich's high standing in the polls is improbable.
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But the young Mr Kabila makes an improbable peace-broker for such an intractable conflict.
Founded 22 years ago by Stanley Gale, the privately held developer has scraped out improbable deals in the past.
The improbable centre of the revolt is Caltanissetta, a town in traditionally backward central Sicily.
Now, that spirit has guided this country along its improbable journey for more than two centuries.
ICRC, it seems improbable that it will accept any form of international intervention, advice or mediation.
The Guinness Book of World Records taught me to believe in the accessibility of the improbable.
But the truth is, it could happen, and it is possible, even if it seems improbable.
Improbable though it may sound, American Christianity and Gianni Versace shared a taste for the avant-garde.
Some had expected a 50-point cut, to 4.0%, but that now seems improbable given Friday's jobs data.
From beanie babies to rare coins, I have seen myriad unimaginable, improbable investments in public pension portfolios.
FORBES: CalPERS Criminal Prosecutions Needed To End Public Pension Fraud
And that spirit, Ohio, has guided this country along its improbable journey for more than two centuries.
And, Boulder, that spirit has guided this country along its improbable journey for more than two centuries.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event, Boulder, CO
And we will complete this improbable journey that so many of you took up over three years ago.