He added that the prototype had been built using existing off-the-shelf components, but there was scope to improve the equipment with customised parts.
The men and women behind these companies often started as tinkerers wanting to improve their own equipment.
As international links improve and network equipment becomes cheaper and more effective, it will not be difficult to provide a low-cost mobile-broadband service, says Vodafone's Mr Colao.
It also insisted that the new digital equipment will improve communications with those at sea.
Players can hunt monsters, upgrade equipment and improve skills while they take part in more than 200 challenging quests.
ENGADGET: Nintendo introduces a fountain pen for your Wii U GamePad, as well as a screen jacket
The Stirling-based group said it expected the "fiberising" equipment to improve product quality and further reduce its cost base.
The money from the investment was to install new equipment and improve technology at the facility, which is the largest pig processing plant on the island of Ireland.
Most of the Cisco equipment you buy sits idle quite a bit of the time: by virtualizing it, you can improve performance and lower your equipment costs at the same time.
The plants also must improve protection of safety equipment installed after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and make sure they can handle damage to multiple reactors at the same time.
Authorities also have promised to improve factory safety by modernizing equipment, overhauling fire-safety and building-safety laws, and increasing inspections.
Most of the capital spending is on equipment that will improve production efficiency.
They are performing well in partnership with coalition troops and will continue to improve with the right training, equipment and support.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing on Afghanistan-Pakistan Annual Review
Worcestershire County Council has said it will be upgrading its computer equipment on Wednesday evening to "improve access" and give "greater capacity".
But he said poor people would rather be provided with the resources to improve their own situations - such as farming equipment and seeds - than government grants.
The NRA on Wednesday listed eight problems that have occurred at Fukushima Daiichi since March 18, including two power outages and malfunctions with two radiation monitors, and said the agency would strengthen oversight of Tepco to make sure it was working to improve the reliability of the plant's equipment.
However, demand for new equipment logic production will soften as yields improve, leading to declining shipment volumes for the rest of the year.
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Crane sales will improve 29% in 2012 and food-service-equipment sales will advance 6%, after solid gains in both segments in 2011, Jaffe says.
However, demand for new equipment for logic production will soften as yields improve, leading to declining shipment volumes as the industry heads into 2013.
The WMSC has also confirmed the ban on refuelling during races, to save on costs of transporting refuelling equipment and increase the incentive for engine builders to improve fuel economy, and on tyre warmers.
Second, we must look at ways to further improve the efficiency and reduce the power load of storage and other enterprise equipment.
New rules imposed by the NRC require plant operators to install or improve venting systems to limit core damage in a serious accident and set up sophisticated equipment to monitor water levels in pools of spent nuclear fuel.
New equipment is set to be installed over the weekend which should increase capacity and improve the service, Vodafone added.
BBC: Anger over 'poor' Vodafone mobile network in Marlborough
While the industry continually adopts new technologies to face these emerging challenges, original equipment manufacturers put pressure on tiered suppliers to reduce costs, increase output, improve quality and deliver more frequently.
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The JCPCT said creating fewer and larger centres would improve the service and recommended that Glenfield's Children's Congenital Heart Surgery unit and Children's ECMO equipment, should go to Birmingham.
Moreover, it is inappropriate to authorize payment for clothing and equipment from the acquisition workforce training fund, whose resources should be focused on vital training and development to improve the collective competency of the current and future acquisition workforce.