• The panelists took questions from audience members who raised concerns about issues like access to comprehensive health care services and resources that can help improve workplace flexibility.

    WHITEHOUSE: Launching the Women in America Data Report

  • Far better to get rid of distortions and improve the economy's flexibility.

    ECONOMIST: Debt reduction

  • To do so, they will have to understand more than they know now about the key business processes in their companies and search for the opportunities to improve those processes with the flexibility of the cloud.

    FORBES: How CIOs and CTOs should Improve their Businesses with the Private Cloud

  • While ruling out "a complete free-for-all" on public sector pay, the authors claim greater flexibility in wage rates would improve work standards.

    BBC: Calls for regional pay in public sector

  • Worldwide, companies like Hunter Douglas (manufacturer of custom-made window fashions in North America) and Vitamix (world leader in high-performance blending equipment) are finding out that the flexibility of our solutions can help improve productivity and profitability in a market where both supply and demand is changing.

    FORBES: Building Visibility, One Person At A Time

  • There is no cheaper two-armed robot and there is nothing with the capabilities and flexibility that Baxter offers (particularly down the road as they improve it).

    FORBES: Denmark's Universal Robots Moves Into US Market

  • "Today, the TSA has flexibility to make real-time decisions that allowed it to quickly improve security measures in response to this attempted attack, " DeMint said.


  • Most people with simple concussions improve within about a week or two, so if you are worried about flying and have the flexibility to change your travel plans, it may be wise to do so.

    CNN: Is it OK to fly after a head injury?

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