In that meeting - and in writing afterwards - the arms commission was made aware of the unionist need for greater transparency.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Analysis: Why deal stalled
Dan was eager to tackle such provocative subject matter and when he came back - with a large amount of research and a basic storyline - Lizzie was asked whether she would be interested in co-writing the script.
This approach has yielded indifferent results in more high-brow pursuits -- recent attempts in collaborative novel-writing have largely failed -- but the advertising world has already embraced similar interactivity.
Another story was about the New York Times archival morgue, a story that included in-depth writing and a video.
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Thus, in re-writing the Code, Congress should be mindful of the fact that each additional loophole, deduction and tax expenditure makes it more difficult for the IRS to enforce the Code fairly and efficiently.
FORBES: The Fiscal Cliff And A Call For A Simpler Internal Revenue Code
Clients use Rapaille's revelations--delivered orally, never in writing--to design products, packaging and advertising.
John White has also committed not to directly engage with the SEC in its rule-writing, to sell his shares in several investment funds and to change his partnership in Cravath so that he doesn't share in the firm's profits but receives fixed compensation.
Last year's figures showed 77% of 11-year-olds had reached the required standard in English - comprising both reading and writing - up from 75% in 2003.
LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman has pulled off something extraordinary in his book-writing debut.
All those words in italics represent an acknowledgement that it would appear that women had, indeed, complained - albeit not in writing or via formal procedures - about the way they had been treated by a man who was either their boss or could influence their future political career.
If someone puts out a film about a day in the life of an online media mogul this year, I'm curious to see what sort of article -- and in what format -- I'll be writing in 2024.
Fidelity says you don't have to put it in writing--a phone call will do.
She hired a lobbyist who helped unite various SMA patient groups, including FightSMA, in a letter-writing campaign to Congress.
It came apart because Obama was unwilling to put Clinton's commitments - meager as they were - in writing.
Very few of these observe the courtesies enshrined in traditional letter-writing.
Targets in New York's letter-writing campaign include the high-profile 23andMe, in Mountain View, Calif, (run by the wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin) and Navigenics, of Redwood Shores, Calif.
And while many show-runners initially vowed not to cross the picket line, some will soon or have already returned to work in a non-writing capacity, thereby lessening the guild's leverage at the bargaining table.
The two of them had discussed what Anglo-Welsh poetry - writing about Wales in English - actually meant.
Creswell was also involved in a 2009 study that showed just two 10-minute affirmation writing activities in the weeks leading up to a test were sufficient to relieve the study subjects' stress-related reaction to the examination.
The more geeky and in-depth I can get in the lyric writing process, the better.
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The flat tax, term limits, redistricting reform, greater transparency in writing legislation--alas, don't expect such potent antibiotics to be prescribed for the Abramoff lobbying infection.
Morgan was nominated for an award in the mini-series writing category.
We are in thrall to the narrative of selves that do not really exist in the way we imagine, a fabrication in which most novel-writing connives.
FORBES: Homer's Revenge: Epic Poetry Is Back. It's Viral. And It's Worth Billions
The registered person shall also notify the member and the member shall pre-approve in writing any modifications to such arrangements, including any extension of the duration of such arrangements.
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Mozart twiddled his thumbs in Munich by writing the Piano Sonata in B-flat, K. 281.
Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) wanted to spark developer interest in writing applications even before Android-ready phones existed.
But, writing in his weblog, he said those attending the anti-speeding briefing on Thursday had been warned in writing they would be "briefly exposed to harrowing images".
Calcutta police officials admit that Mr Mukhtar has given them details of his work but say they can release him only if police in Indian-administered Kashmir make a formal request in writing.
Her post has received over a thousand page views -- in non-techie speak, everyone is reading and writing about her.
Where's the thrill anymore in writing angry e-mails to employees ordering them to upgrade to Word 6.0 or else?