It may point to their involvement but what's needed in a criminal trial is 99.9% proof.
Like a jury in a criminal trial, they are looking for evidence that is beyond reasonable doubt.
Look, this is entirely speculative and hypothetical, these issues at this point, because he's already in a criminal trial process in Florida.
Since the hearsay rules are more relaxed than in a criminal trial, it would be natural for the plaintiff's lawyers to wish to call police officers from both sides of the border.
In reaching that conclusion, they were obliged to make assumptions about what kind of participation in a criminal trial would in law be regarded as 'meaningful' in determining the fitness of an accused.
Terry was found not guilty in July but the FA found him guilty on 27 September, using the "balance of probabilities" as its standard of proof as opposed to the "beyond reasonable doubt" ruling used in a criminal trial.
While he refused to comment specifically on the findings of any report, he answered generally that the damning evidence of an investigation can look very different upon closer inspection and when it comes up against the counter-evidence produced by a skilled defense in a criminal trial.
And in that same year, Judge Hastings was convicted of lying under oath and removed by the Senate even though he had already been acquitted in a criminal trial. (It is generally recognized that an act need not be criminal in order to be impeachable.) As these examples illustrate, perjury is and historically has been a sufficient cause for conviction and removal.
In a subsequent criminal trial, Mr Berger was acquitted of violating endangered-species laws, but convicted on the lesser charge of misusing a pesticide.
In addition to the fines, both Dolce and Gabbana face prison sentences of up to five years in a separate criminal trial related to the same business.
Amenhotep III's bust had already starred in a New York criminal trial last year.
No, but it gave me the confidence I needed to write my novel with authority and to immerse the reader in a criminal investigation and trial.
The South Jakarta district court recently rejected a plea from Tommy's lawyers that he be tried in a civil court and is proceeding with a criminal trial.
With just seven months until a criminal trial in Houston, Mr. Stanford's current legal team is in disarray.
He was allowed to return to the UK but will stand trial in a criminal court in Chalons-en-Champagne in 2013.
He was allowed to return to the UK but will stand trial in a criminal court in Chalons-en-Champagne later this year.
Awaiting criminal trial in a Chicago federal court are three of ADMs former top executives, including Dwaynes 48- year-old son, Michael -- who still draws a paycheck and keeps in daily contact with senior management.
One concern: A separate federal criminal trial is set to begin in January in a related case.
The decision about whether to have a defendant take the witness stand can be the most important one in a criminal case, because the entire trial tends to turn on that performance, good or bad, legal experts say.
Padilla, after more lingering in the courts, was suddenly pulled out of military custody and put on trial in a federal court on regular criminal charges.
He pleaded not guilty to menacing, criminal mischief and assault in a pre-trial hearing in March.
Ohio and West Virginia law is different for a juvenile delinquency hearing compared to a criminal trial, Wilson said in the four-page ruling on March 6.
Back in the late 70's a close Family Friend was imprisoned in India without trial, because of her extremely tenuous link to a very dangerous criminal.
Then there is fellow Texan Allan Stanford who sits in a Texas cell awaiting his 2011 trial on 21 criminal charges of defrauding investors.
Because of this, those appearing in criminal trials do not have the option of a jury trial, which is common in the United States and other countries.
So far, the joint effort between the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission has produced nearly 70 guilty verdicts, a perfect record of convictions in criminal cases that have gone to trial, and millions of dollars in penalties.
Attention will turn now to a criminal trial of two former campus officials charged with perjury in a grand-jury investigation of Mr. Sandusky.
The retired Scottish judge, who sat on the Lockerbie bombing trial, said a criminal sentenced to two years in prison should serve the full term rather than being released early on parole.
Further, an attempt to examine issues that relate to the criminal proceedings in Greece will seriously violate Ms Thanou's right to a fair trial and it would breach the European Convention on Human Rights and it would constitute an interference with an independent criminal procedure of a country's criminal justice system.
In Georgia, where court funds have fallen by 25% in the last two years, criminal cases now routinely take more than a year to come to trial.