The European aspects of the city made them feel that they were really in a foreign country.
None of these moves are likely to make EU citizens feel more welcome in a foreign country.
But what if the Clyde were in a foreign country to the Ministry of Defence on Whitehall?
That, and being 200 miles from Paris, in a foreign country, was enough to seal Vilvoorde's fate.
Lauren Manuel, a South African travel blogger living in Malaysia, once found herself in a foreign country sans passport.
Opening an account in a foreign country is generally not advisable unless you travel to that country often.
If an Internet company operating in a foreign country is suddenly exposed to censorship, it has virtually no recourse.
They are more likely to lie and cheat if they are in a foreign country rather than at home.
Think of spending twenty or thirty years in a foreign country where you are never understood, because you speak a different dialect.
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If you are eligible to work in a foreign country, a career in forex can bring the added excitement of living abroad.
EU, so few people choose to pack up their belongings, uproot their families, and trek off to settle in a foreign country.
Unlike Costanzo, they were not in a foreign country on holiday.
Currently, Zipcar and Hertz On Demand members in one country can book a vehicle in a foreign country using their electronically coded membership cards.
Later, he may even land a meeting with the President of the U.S. Then comes the hard reality: indefinite exile in a foreign country.
All of these plans in my view are a rip-off and far more expensive than local alternatives when you arrive in a foreign country.
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'It's one thing if I'm, say, Boeing, and I decide to manufacture in a foreign country on a consensual basis for purely commercial reasons.
Deplorable living conditions, difficulties learning the English language and dealing with the rustic surroundings of minor league baseball in a foreign country were commonplace issues.
If you think this is pure fiction, recall that in Toronto, Ondaatje's base for 40 years, the average citizen today was born in a foreign country.
If you go off to report a war in a foreign country, you know what you are going to get into and you are prepared for it.
Reverse the analogy and you see that living in a foreign country can evoke many of the emotions of childhood: novelty, surprise, anxiety, relief, powerlessness, frustration, irresponsibility.
If a friend gets mugged in a foreign country, that story is more likely to affect how safe you feel in that country than abstract crime statistics.
In a foreign country such as France, Catherine Camus would have been a stranger, one more Camusian character struggling to understand the whirl of absurdity between birth and death.
On the Form 1040 federal income tax return, at Schedule B, Part III, there is a question asking whether the taxpayer has an interest in financial accounts in a foreign country.
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Current rules require companies that generate cash in low tax jurisdictions to pay the standard U.S. corporate rate on repatriated cash, less whatever tax they paid in in a foreign country.
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Being in a foreign country at war is frightening.
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If these duties can be avoided by locating a factory in a foreign country, the Board should at least consider allowing it to happen here for export so that American workers can benefit.
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Those arguing for independence say Scotland will want its own ships, and how could Whitehall top brass possibly overlook the Clyde's expertise, even if it were to be found in a foreign country?
"As an expat myself, I know what it's like to be on your own in a foreign country and left to fend for yourself, " said Sutton, author of the Jakarta Casual blog.
Not only would I have had to pause or put the kibosh my 30-day trial run with the BlackBerry Z10, but I'm also on the other side of the world in a foreign country.
The Treasury says that an independent Scotland using the pound would be in a weak position, dependent upon decisions taken by the Bank of England which, by then, would be an institution in a foreign country.