But admission officers know in a heartbeat when an adult has had too much input.
Were there a better or cheaper alternative these businesses would embrace it in a heartbeat.
FORBES: The Final Year Of Mayor Bloomberg's Term Is Poised To Be The Most Dangerous
On another Monday in late October, 25 years ago, the financial world seemed to disintegrate in a heartbeat.
FORBES: Fears That Sparked Black Monday In 1987 Dormant But Not Dead
Provide that experience, as Apple and to some extend the Android phones are doing, and loyalties flip in a heartbeat.
Because I'd tweak this in a heartbeat to mute the deliberately louder commercials that seem all the rage these days.
Even if it is only a small difference that I can make, I would sacrifice myself in a heartbeat for another.
And these 26-year-olds in a heartbeat are going to be 50, 55.
If that takes me walking out of the room so that story can be told I will walk on out in a heartbeat.
The word is that Temple would accept an invite back into the Big East in a heartbeat with no hard feelings from its dismissal.
But investors should keep in mind that, just as the drug-coated stent market already went through two big shifts, it could change again--in a heartbeat.
Khan's trainer Roach agreed with Warren that Khan would prove far too sharp for 30-year-old Hatton and he insisted he would take the fight "in a heartbeat".
Velsheda can put up an incredible 9, 000 square feet of sail, more than twice as much as modern Cup boats, and accelerate to 13 knots in a heartbeat.
"People want to be treated as individuals and will turn off in a heartbeat if they feel they are being treated otherwise, " says Margot Bartsch, an education consultant.
But it doesn't tell you how to prepare for or take advantage of market shifts--shifts that will take away customers in a heartbeat, wiping out your profits and your revenue.
FORBES: The accepted wisdom that the customer is king is all wrong.
And we would welcome in a heartbeat a willingness by Republican leaders in the House to schedule and pass -- schedule a vote on and pass an extension of the middle-class tax cuts.
The reality is that for many illnesses, including not only pain but also minor depression, irritable bowel syndrome, or nausea, the placebos given to patients in clinical trials are pretty fantastic treatments that anybody would choose to take in a heartbeat.
FORBES: How The Placebo Effect Will Help Allergan Sell Botox
Let's let any insurer opt out of state regulation in favor of a federal charter. (I'll bet Allstate, Progressive and Geico would go federal in a heartbeat.) Relieved of 50-state paper-pushing burdens and free to pick off the good risks with price cuts, the federally chartered companies would be a formidable competitive threat.
Those on the front lines of networking, such as the telcos, Internet service providers, competitive local exchange companies and wireless operators, still prefer time-tested Unix as the operating system for networks. (Prediction: Cisco and Lucent may become the biggest threats to Microsoft over the next five years.) n Thanks to the Internet, small niche companies can reach mass markets in a heartbeat.
In his second season at Georgia Tech, Taylor developed a very rapid heartbeat in a game against Miami and doctors on the field immediately became concerned.
Under the law, a woman who undergoes an abortion in which a fetal heartbeat has been detected may not be prosecuted for violating the law or conspiracy to violate the law.
In March, prominent San Diego cardiologist Eric Topol tweeted "no emergency landing req'd" when he used his smartphone EKG to diagnose a distressing but not immediately dangerous irregular heartbeat in a fellow airplane passenger at 30, 000 feet.
The law, called the Human Heartbeat Protection Act, bans abortions after 12 weeks, when a foetal heartbeat can generally be detected in an ultrasound scan.
Mr Peabody took the view that a job only a heartbeat away from the presidency should not be left in the gift of a presidential candidate.
She said Savita was in a bad way - the foetus was unviable but there was still a heartbeat - and she was trying to comfort Savita and to explain the position in Ireland on abortion to somebody not from the island.
Dr Zhou's colleagues have, for example, built tiny scanners that can X-ray a mouse's heart and lungs by taking a series of exposures at exactly the same point in the heartbeat.
The laws in North Dakota and Arkansas link viability to the presence of a fetal heartbeat, using differing detection methods.
Following TV work, which included episodes of Casualty and Heartbeat, his final on-screen role was in a made-for-TV film, On Dangerous Ground, with Hollywood star Rob Lowe.
In milder cases you can have a small electric shock to get the heartbeat to return to normal, or like British Prime Minister Tony Blair had last year, a procedure called catheter ablation.