When the dust settled , the Dow was down 22% in a single day.
FORBES: Fears That Sparked Black Monday In 1987 Dormant But Not Dead
The result was that its stock fell about 70 percent in a single day.
Holbrooke's frantic pre-Dayton shuttle often took him to three countries in a single day.
The consumer preview of Windows 8 was downloaded one million times in a single day.
The digital universe now generates more than twice that much in a single day.
Today we may be forced to accept dozens of such contracts or agreements in a single day.
The snow set a record at Kansas City International Airport with 9 inches falling in a single day.
Frequently, the project is completed in a single day, giving it a particular sense of intensity and urgency.
The most critical days were when there were 30 to 32 patients who arrived in a single day.
The uncertainty has had an impact: Last week, the Cairo stock market plunged by 3% in a single day.
Neither before nor since have more Americans been killed in a single day.
Commodities fared little better, with Shanghai aluminium futures down 4%, the most they can fall in a single day.
"For the first time ever, in a single day we had half a billion people use Facebook, " he said.
CNN: Facebook revamps site with 'Timeline' and real-time apps
When Mr Graham was hospitalised in 1976, three presidents (Nixon, Ford and Jimmy Carter) rang him in a single day.
How do you rile up 450, 000 financial professionals in a single day?
President Obama's page received more than one million "likes" in a single day - compared with about 30, 000 per day in earlier weeks.
Three ships were hijacked on August 21 in that area, the "worst number of attacks" in a single day in many years, Capt.
The graphic below shows levels of acute exposure and the corresponding health effects based on total dose occurring in in a single day.
In a single day in late October, Todd Combs went from fund-management obscurity to one of the most talked-about investors in the world.
Homing pigeons can travel from up to 400 miles away in a single day - using magnetic fields as well as sight for navigation.
Hatch appeared on five networks in an hour, breaking the previous indoor record for Consecutive Appearances in a Single Day, held by William Ginsburg.
Overall, 10 million people bought online on Cyber Monday, representing the first time on record that threshold has been reached in a single day.
It crystallized for me on June 22nd of last year, when Craigslist had 67 listings for developer jobs posted in a single day.
FORBES: An Insider's View Of Silicon Alley's Talent Feeding Frenzy
In a single day, three leaders in their fields revealed serious health problems that posed tough personal choices and potentially devastating challenges to their careers.
FORBES: Three Big Leadership Lessons From Jolie, Quinn And Page
But Vumbacco, impatient, bought three in a single day last December.
It was the largest number of Americans killed by hostile action in a single day in Afghanistan since July 13, 2008, according to CNN records.
CNN: Obama adviser: Afghanistan in no immediate danger of falling
He was the first jockey to win nine races in a single day, accomplishing that on Oct. 31, 1987, with mounts at Aqueduct and the Meadowlands.
This led to a massive stock market fall of nearly 12% in a single day - a cumulative total of more than 80% in the year.
He--Mr. Burke says that he saw documentation showing that, on one occasion, there were 1, 300 people hired into the police force in Najaf in a single day.