You can go from there to here in a split second -- just a little focus, right?
In a split second she sparked what was likely an expensive false alarm.
"A neighbor clear across the street had thought a tree had fallen through his roof, that's how loud the explosion was, and it happened in a split second, " she said.
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As the government set about creating a brave new world of motorways, Kinneir and Calvert were given the job of making signs that could be clearly read in a split second.
This machine is a collision sensor, which knew in a split second to activate your automobile air bag and cushion the impact of your collision with the inside of the car.
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One of the motorcyclists, Richard Watkins, from Weymouth, told the inquest the family started to cross the road and in a split second he had to decide to choose a gap.
"One of the things the public has to understand, an individual wielding a knife at you at about 20 feet can be on top of you in a split second, " he said.
It's clear what has happened: he's a striker in a dangerous position towards the end of a game and, in a split second, the ball has missed everybody, bounced to him and instinct has kicked in.
The main villains on these roads are usually the yellow minibuses, known as danfos, which can switch lanes in a split-second, sending nearby vehicles screeching to avoid them.
That makes it possible not just to skip to any point of a taped show in a split-second, but also to rewind live television: because hard disks are so fast, they can tape and play back at the same time.
The puck inched its way toward the line when Schenn swooped in with a split-second lunge with his stick and cleared it for the save.
The BCS has long since been denounced as postseason panacea, but a second split title in eight years would underscore that it can't be relied upon to pick an undisputed champion.
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The difference between the gold medal and no metal at all in the Olympic games is often a matter of a split second.
But in the third round Sylvia let his guard down for a split second, allowing Nogueira, a Brazilian jujitsu master, to grab his neck and pull.
Ref Jones - on the say-so of his touch judge - ruled that Chris O'Young had put his foot out of play a split-second before Thom Evans squeezed in.
For the past four weeks lawyers for Bank of America and MBIA Inc. have been sparring in a crowded second-floor courtroom in downtown New York City over whether state insurance regulators should have let MBIA split itself in half in back 2009, separating its business of insuring mortgage-backed securities from its business of insuring municipal bonds.
Rusedski has not played since the US Open in September, and recently split from coach Sven Groeneveld for a second time.
He's more interested in the bits and pieces of music, even when they span only a split second.
In a second blow to confidence, falling equity prices have revealed a scandal in the split capital investment-trust industry.
Jeter was a split second slow out of the blocks and nearly caught Fraser-Pryce in the final meters, but the Jamaican leaned across the finish for the victory.
You may not understand all of "Look Back in Anger, " but you won't be bored by it, not even for a split second.
WSJ: Look Back in Anger | Still Angry After All These Years | Theater Review by Terry Teachout
McFarland in a four-run second inning during Wednesday's 10-7 loss to a Baltimore Orioles' split squad.
It had not piloted the A2 section - the second year of study - before the A-level was split into two parts in 2000.
Year upon year of slowing down the action in their heads, of training their brains to take the emotion out of the multiple thousands of split-second decisions they make every time they get in the car, tends to lend them a languid air when not in action.