The law will remain in a state of flux for some considerable time yet.
Online advertising and marketing is in a state of flux and advancement due to the increased sophistication of the Internet user.
FORBES: What Do Angie's List, GroupOn, LinkedIn, QuinStreet and BankRate Have in Common?
There is not massive experience in the pack, the half-backs are young and the backline is in a state of flux.
Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps told the Sunday Politics that the eurozone was in a state of flux at the moment.
Indonesia is so new to democracy, and its institutions have undergone such upheaval, that politics is still in a state of flux.
These days, mortgage markets everywhere are in a state of flux.
The internet is in a state of flux, but search continues to dominate web activities, with Alexa ranking Google as the number one site in the web, ahead of Facebook.
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"The law is in a state of flux and the argument I hear most often is that new technology is moving so fast that old laws are being crushed by the onslaught, " she says.
It is always in a state of flux.
CNN: AllPolitics - Reno Defends Independent Counsel Decision
Thanks in part to the all out assault on the record books, grossly inflated statistics, guilty admissions, drug testing and the Mitchell Report, the criteria for a Hall of Famer has been in a state of flux.
Since the concept of IW emerged in the mid-1990s as a topic of heated debate, its definition remains in a state of continual flux.
Pop music has always been in a consistent state of flux, to the point where one of the few constants in the art form has been oddly enough change.
Third, the Bank of England is an institution in a state of some flux, having been criticised by some for failing to stem the great crisis of 2007-8, and about to be endowed with enormous new powers to temper the next financial crisis.
The Penguins, not so much even with the lines seemingly in a constant state of flux.
Surviving many personnel changes and shifting public tastes, Trans-Global is once again responding to their world, which is, like the group, in a state of constant flux and realignment.
But for others, it's a tougher call, given that the estate tax law now exists in a state of confusion and flux.
The ruling puts a school system already in flux into an even bigger state of uncertainty, calling for the reinstatement of five of the nine ousted school board members and for a special election to fill the four seats that were up for re-election in November 2011.