So if there is no hope for reforms of the welfare society, the next question must be whether capitalism can exist or co-exist in the long-term in a social welfare state.
Building a welfare state in any one of them is a bit like creating a single welfare state across the European Union.
But they reveal little understanding of the complex interest-group politics and broader meaning of Medicare in America, as a social insurance program, as a pillar of the liberal welfare state, as a force in the lives of millions of people.
So, the Mundellian model of a new Europe, the only model that had a chance in the current environment, was abandoned in favor of a bloated uber-welfare state.
And it's interesting, Steve, because, you know, Tommy Thompson's the kind of candidate who on paper looks just right: a successful governor of a Midwestern state, Wisconsin, enacted welfare reform in a way that was highly regarded, came to the cabinet in health care, a subject that people care a great deal about.
The Obama Administration is looking to re-define poverty in a way that would expand the welfare state and increase the burden of redistribution programs.
The grand bargain in Europe has been a stronger, more encompassing welfare state alongside higher taxes on everyone.
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But if we continue to move in the direction of becoming a European-style welfare state, it will be impossible to have a good tax system.
But in a market economy some form of non-job welfare or state provision of services is simply necessary.
Thus all miners are unemployed: in a country not exactly known for the generosity of its welfare state and unemployment pay.
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The Labour government faces a more difficult task in completing its reform of the welfare state in its second term of office.
In the 1940s the church embraced the welfare state as a modern, professional alternative to charity, willingly dismantling voluntary relief networks and signing over thousands of church schools, hospitals and other bodies to the state, notes Linda Woodhead of Lancaster University.
The university said a full programme of events is being planned, which in the early months of 2013 will include lectures and discussion on issues such as the role of nation states in the 21st century and the shape of a modern Scottish welfare state.
Norman's critique of the welfare state was inspired by a similar belief in individualism.
Plaid Cymru MP Hywel Williams said the benefits squeeze set out in the Autumn Statement threatened to dismantle the welfare state and create a generation lost to unemployment, homelessness and poverty.
The success of the poldermodel was in fact made possible by a decisive break with the traditional semi-corporatist welfare state.
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In contrast, the religious left is at least consistent, albeit in a perverse manner, especially when it concedes openly that its case for the welfare state rests on Scripture.
In a white paper this year, the government argued that Denmark need not shrink its welfare state, provided unemployment could be cut to 5% and debt could be reduced.
It is a far cry from the dilution of the welfare state Mr Netanyahu believes in and has diligently carried out as prime minister in 1996-99 and again since 2009.
But the state is equally in a trap because of this looming requirement to provide welfare for people who no longer may be able to fulfil their own welfare needs.
The authorities in one country will have ordered state supervision out of concern for the welfare of a child and the convention seeks to prevent the family from slipping through the cracks by moving on.
He professes devotion to the principles of the welfare state, but he wrote a stinging criticism of the Nordic model in his youth.
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The second risk is that the Nordics will let slip a golden opportunity to reform welfare and roll back the state's interference in the private sector.
He referred to a key point in the July report in which he said Spanier, Schultz and Curley drew up a plan that called for reporting Sandusky to the state Department of Public Welfare in 2001.
The Moderate Party was trounced in 2002 when it ran on a radical platform that promised to slash taxes and gut the Swedish welfare state.
Laissez-faire ideology has its merits, but cannot compete successfully with a population weaned on the welfare state, whose members are keenly attuned to their vulnerability in our volatile era.
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William Beveridge - father of the modern welfare state - was a Liberal politician, after all, and there are elements in our system today historians agree he would not recognise.
Indiscriminate cuts in welfare would run against the imperative of a socially fair package, since most of the spending goes in state pensions to workers in general, and to the poor and needy.
In both Denmark and Sweden, the government is being menaced by opposition parties that want lower taxes and a slimmer welfare state.
Mr Bloomberg wants to go further by offering visas to foreigners who agree to live in a failing city such as Detroit for a minimum of seven years without claiming any federal, state or local welfare benefits.