• In a whirl of transactions, the risk of sharp practice, including insider dealing, may well grow.

    ECONOMIST: Property funds in Japan

  • The fruit of it all is a record that pulls the listener in for an epic tilt-a-whirl ride that is dramatic and zany.

    NPR: Willie Nelson, Wynton Marsalis Team Up

  • Mr. JOHNSON: I think in this day and age when there's so much talk about athletes being, quote unquote "role models, " and, you know, living in a 24-hour sports whirl, it certainly helps.

    NPR: Bonds' Approaching Triumph Has Mixed Meaning

  • After a recent whirl of travel that included a speech in Las Vegas and a meeting in Switzerland, Gates detoured to a secluded resort in New York's Adirondacks to spend a weekend with Melinda and Jennifer.

    CNN: In Search Of The Real Bill Gates

  • Atlanta, Georgia (CNN) -- The very words "majority" and "minority" in American demographics are about to swap meanings, like partners on opposing sides of a Virginia reel who lock arms in the middle, whirl about, and take up positions on opposite sides of the lineup.

    CNN: I see America's diverse future--in my house

  • If you're willing, head on over to The New York Times' website and give the service a whirl -- and kindly share your impressions in the comments below.


  • It's still in Beta (currently build 8), but we decided to give it a whirl.

    ENGADGET: How to upgrade your TiVo HD with WinMFS HD

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