• "In all the circumstances, ladies and gentlemen, you should have no difficulty in concluding that Zoe Nelson was the victim of a murderous attack", she added.

    BBC: Zoe murder accused Robert Bayne 'guilty of atrocity'

  • The court said that Mr Sutradhar had "no reasonable prospect of satisfying a court that in all the circumstances the NERC owed him a duty of care" which could have paved the way for damages to be awarded.

    BBC: Millions of Bangladeshis may be drinking unsafe water

  • They insisted they wanted to work in partnership with the council to resolve the asbestos issue, but said "this is proving difficult to achieve in all of the circumstances".

    BBC: Cwmcarn High School

  • Wade, abortion was legal on request in four states, allowed under limited circumstances in about 16 others, and outlawed under nearly all circumstances in the other states, including Texas, where the Roe case originated.

    WSJ: Roe v Wade: After 40 years, deep divide is legacy

  • But Labour argues that the regulations "mandate market tendering on the medical profession in all but the most exceptional circumstances".

    BBC: Doctors and nurses

  • It's hard to imagine the feds letting the two mortgage buyers welch on obligations in all but the most dire circumstances.

    FORBES: Investment Guide

  • Cordier, the Vietnam POW, opposes torture in all circumstances -- even the "ticking bomb" scenario.

    CNN: Torture prompts soul-searching among some Christians

  • "It understood from the advice that the advertisers' tests showed the Power Mac G5 was faster than the other two processors on some applications under certain conditions, but not that it was the fastest processor in all circumstances for all applications, " said the ruling.

    BBC: Apple has boosted the power of its G5 machines

  • "Although we support suspected terrorists being brought to justice it is well known that we oppose the death penalty in all circumstances, " a Foreign Office spokesman told the Press Association.

    CNN: Pearl killer calls for uprising

  • The UK's shadow defence secretary Jim Murphy said in the Commons he welcomed the agreements in principle but asked for assurances that they would not limit the UK's ability to act independently "in all circumstances" - such as the defence of overseas territories.

    BBC: Cameron and Sarkozy hail UK-France defence treaties

  • In the last year only three executives, all in the Northern Board, used the exceptional circumstances clause to withhold the details.

    BBC: ?16m to compensate health staff

  • He said that from 1 November 2012 juveniles under 18 years of age would no longer be held in Hydebank Wood Young offenders Centre in all but the most exceptional circumstances.

    BBC: Justice Committee

  • They constructed levees that, in all but the most extreme circumstances, overcame gravity's force and held back hundreds of millions of tons of water that would otherwise seek a route to the Earth's core via New Orleans.

    NPR: Defying Gravity, and Odds, in New Orleans

  • In fact, only 14% of them oppose abortion in all circumstances, even when the mother's life is in jeopardy whilst 22% of them are consistently pro-choice.

    ECONOMIST: Not all conservative Christians are Republicans

  • The Trust said all homicides committed in those circumstances were investigated by the mental health trust that provided the care.

    BBC: Eleven mental health patients in care of Trust have killed

  • It is a six-monthly handing over of the baton that elicits no excitement at all in normal circumstances, but these days the circumstances are not quite normal.

    ECONOMIST: Silvio Berlusconi

  • My primary motivation in starting The Good Men Project was to celebration men doing good in all forms, most particularly under challenging circumstances and outside the bright lights of celebrity and wealth.

    FORBES: The Disease of More

  • In certain circumstances, all the excitement can get a fan into trouble, points out Robert A. Kloner, M.

    CNN: Inside the mind of a sports fanatic

  • They will have to show that their product is safe in all circumstances, even if the science to prove it is not yet available.

    ECONOMIST: The price of prudence

  • Better surely that managers, who know the specific circumstances of their company, should decide whether it is in the interest of their firm to recognise the union than to have this mandated by law for all firms in all circumstances.

    ECONOMIST: Labour relations

  • And the catch all: based on all the facts and circumstances, you participated in the activity on a regular, continuous, and substantial basis during the year.

    FORBES: Taxes From A To Z (2013): P Is For Passive Activity Rules

  • Lord Hall said it was time to look at how all the corporation's money was spent while keeping in mind the difficult circumstances the country as a whole was facing.

    BBC: New BBC boss Tony Hall vows to tackle senior staff pay-offs

  • But the President believed in weighing all those circumstances that pausing deepwater drilling during an investigation made sense based on many factors, including containment capability.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • What the standard does contemplate is a showing of a substantial likelihood that, under all the circumstances, the omitted fact would have assumed actual significance in the deliberations of the reasonable shareholder.


  • Above all, in the paralysingly awful global economic circumstances that have prevailed until now, they have been reluctant to back hunches by investing in expansion, and often unable to find the money to do so.

    ECONOMIST: British exports: Trading out of trouble | The

  • That is nothing new, but there will be some very sizable, systemically important banking institutions that will certainly be protected by all governments in all circumstances, and with that must go a certain extra attention to the supervision of those institutions.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "The solution that we have reached is certainly not the one we wanted, but it is the least painful under the circumstances because above all it leaves the management of our economy in our own hands, " Anastasiades said Sunday.

    NPR: Cyprus President Tries To Amend Bailout Plan

  • "Should a decision of any kind be required, it will be made only via a meeting of the Security Cabinet and after taking into account all of the new political circumstances that have been created in the wake of the recent Israeli elections, " Yanki Galanti, the media adviser for Ehud Olmert, said Saturday night in a statement.

    CNN: Israel denies reports of Hamas negotiations

  • Now the cops have the most sophisticated military communications to talk under any circumstances, in tunnels, on subways, to all of the to all of the other first responders and the authorities.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • And happiness in spite of grim circumstances is, after all, the point of the Volkswagen commercial.

    FORBES: That Volkswagen Super Bowl Ad: Pretty Clever, Slightly Racist, Kind of Wrong

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