• Yes, says Klaus Wowereit, who has been mayor of Berlin in alliance with the former communists for several years.

    ECONOMIST: Germany's election

  • All our activities require us to work in alliance with others, including some governments, multilateral agencies and even multinational companies.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Mr Pawar is from the regional Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) which is in power in Maharashtra in alliance with the Congress party.

    BBC: Ajit Pawar

  • We assure everybody that we are in alliance with the international community in facing all the challenges that the world is facing.

    NPR: Maliki Assures Bush on Iraqi Force's Readiness

  • At best, they could hope to achieve power as a minority government in alliance with the separatists who might be able to wrench further seats from the Liberals in Quebec.

    ECONOMIST: Canada's corruption scandal: Shivering Mr Martin's timbers | The

  • They are in alliance with the Beltran Leyva organization.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Growing interdependence

  • Conservative MP John Redwood, not usually known for being in alliance with environmental groups or backbench Labour politicians, is also against the "democracy deficit" he says is inherent in the new system.

    BBC: Row threatens planning shake-up

  • Emanuel, who served in the White House when Bill Clinton was president and is a member of the Illinois congressional delegation, tells NPR's Robert Siegel that he wanted to stand in alliance with Obama at Wednesday's Washington conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

    NPR: Emanuel Gets Out of Neutral, Endorses Obama

  • Shell aims to combine coal gasification with gas-to-diesel technology in an alliance with coal miner Anglo American.

    FORBES: Shell Shocked

  • Early agrarian empires were often led by aristocrats with warrior and landowner values (soldiers) in close alliance with priests (sages), who provided a spiritual justification for their rule.

    ECONOMIST: A history of power

  • Musharraf has played a delicate game in his alliance with the US against Al Qaeda.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Dictatorships and Double Standards

  • Now in an alliance with IBM, it can provide advanced analytics on the data prior to visualization to provide greater insights.

    FORBES: Big Geographic Data -- From Tokyo Retailers to Flood Zones

  • Last week Mitsui Mutual, the weakest of the seven, joined in an alliance with Sumitomo Mitsui Bank, Sumitomo Life and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance, a non-life insurer.

    ECONOMIST: From bad to worse

  • Walgreen this summer purchased a 45 percent stake in Alliance Boots with plans to buy the entire chain within the three years as part of global expansion plan.

    FORBES: Walgreen's New Battle: Winning Back Express Scripts Customers

  • But their control over this territory is now said to be facing a challenge from their former allies, the Gulf Cartel, in an alliance with the Sinaloa cartel led by Joaquin Guzman, Mexico's most wanted man.

    BBC: Seventeen partygoers shot dead in Mexico

  • So as far as the Middle East and Central Asia are concerned, a primary lesson of the Cold War relates to the relative weight the US can securely place in its alliance with Israel on the one hand, and its alliance with the Saudis on the other.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: America's best friends

  • Perhaps most importantly, it wants to bring about a subtle change in its military alliance with America.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • AND, these deals were under the watch of TDF Capital, which formed an alliance in 2007 with Kleiner to set up KPCB China.

    FORBES: Sequoia Scores in China While Kleiner Fumbles

  • This follows reports that Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq had formed an alliance with a Kurdish party across the border in Syria.

    BBC: Middle East

  • Peugeot is working on plans to deal with the chronic overcapacity that is hobbling car manufacturers in Europe, but the alliance with GM doesn't offer short-term solutions to the problem.

    WSJ: What's News

  • Very quickly, the crisis in the Balkans provided the alliance with a new and testing task and one that shows no sign of ending in the immediate future.

    BBC: Analysis: Nato seeks new roles

  • Nokia ditched its own software development group in favor of an alliance with Microsoft, thus losing significant intellectual capital.

    FORBES: Lessons In Innovation 2: Where Good Ideas Come From

  • This experience was part of an all-expenses paid trip, courtesy of the Pittsburgh Regional Alliance, in cooperation with VisitPittsburgh.

    FORBES: Green Living In America's "Steel City"

  • This didn't get much play in the U.S., but in March Russia announced that it was entering into what is in effect a strategic alliance with Iran.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • This was the case back in October, when SABMiller, the UK-listed world number two brewer, announced that it was forming a new alliance in North America with Molson Coors.


  • This year Opus Arte is planning to bring the ROH's opera and ballet performances to cinema screens across Europe (both pre-recorded and live) in partnership with Arts Alliance Media, a digital-technology company.

    ECONOMIST: New York��s Metropolitan Opera has pioneered a new model

  • In partnership with Rainforest Alliance, TIES has also developed an advocacy campaign entitled "Your Travel Choice Makes a Difference, " which is designed to help and empower consumers with helpful information that guides them towards responsible travel choices with detailed recommendations on how to make alternative travel choices, and to avoid leaving negative marks on cultures, economies, and the environment.

    CNN: The International Ecotourism Society statement

  • The company has lurched from one strategy to another, such as a (subsequently aborted) investment in Nextel Communications, a wireless firm, in 1994 and an on-off alliance with Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation in 1995.

    ECONOMIST: WorldCom tucks in��again

  • Riza's role in setting up the Alliance was intertwined at least briefly in early 2005 with Giandomenico Picco, whom Annan also tapped as a link between the old Dialogue and the new Alliance.

    FORBES: Freedom's Edge

  • The confirmation of the Afghan conference came on Francesc Vendrell's fourth day of talks in the Afghan capital with key figures in the Northern Alliance and other tribal and faction leaders.

    BBC: UN announces Afghan conference

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