The enneagram symbol has roots in antiquity and can be traced back to ancient Greece.
C. and acquired a great reputation in antiquity for the instruction he offered in his delightful tales.
Change came much more slowly in antiquity than it does today, but antiquity provides some interesting examples of the difference between fundamental and incremental change.
It established a basis for human dignity unknown in antiquity.
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Rooted in antiquity, Cinque Terre's five towns date from the early medieval period and barely anything about these five crazily constructed Ligurian villages has changed in over three centuries.
Using balsa wood and other materials that would have been available in antiquity, Mr Heyerdahl built the Kon-Tiki, named after a mythical South American king said to have been fleeing for his life, and launched her from Peru.
The latest findings were revealed as archaeologists published a paper on the university-led search for Richard III in the journal Antiquity.
Like Gateholm, Skomer and the Deer Park were settled in pre-antiquity.
This amazing series of 190 million year old nests gives us the first detailed look at dinosaur reproduction early in their evolutionary history, and documents the antiquity of nesting strategies that are only known much later in the dinosaur record.
Benares, or Baranas, was a city of antiquity and mythology in present-day India.
The show consists of his muscular, mostly monotone renditions of photos of broken statuary of antiquity, drawings he did in the 1980s.
The new insight, published in the December issue of the journal Antiquity, came because two archaeologists decided to use a decidedly low-tech method to understand the sand drawing's ancient secrets: by walking it.
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The latter, Timbuktu's oldest, was built in the early 14th century, while the Sankore, during its heyday, was said to have the largest collection of books in Africa since the Library of Alexandria of antiquity.
The Ottoman powers in Athens cared nothing for the ruins of Greek antiquity, and had already pillaged them for building stone or bricked them up for gun-placements.
The altar's carved marble bas-relief sculptures commemorate victories in Gaul and Spain, and are among the great masterpieces of antiquity.
Graham Thomas was in a gardening tradition that stretches back to Theophrastus, the most influential botanist of antiquity.
ECONOMIST: Graham Stuart Thomas, gardener, died on April 17th, aged 94
To 15th and 16th Century scholars, the period following antiquity - the so-called "dark ages"- had almost succeeded in obliterating classical learning forever.
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