At no time did you in any way bring out the context in which a tighter controlled BBC would have to work.
This policy, first implemented by Ronald Reagan in 1984, forbids American government funding of foreign organisations which in any way promote, endorse or advocate abortion.
Given that dating is a market and that more choices in any market are a good thing, the way in which internet dating expands the market opportunities is just great.
When Paulson believes in a trend, he appears to find any which way to invest in it.
FORBES: If Gold Doubles John Paulson Climbs Up Billionaire List
"We adamantly deny that anything occurred in that hotel room which in any way remotely approximates what's in the complaint, " says Bennett.
The more challenging problem is whether there is any way in which the objectives of the law enforcement authorities can be achieved in practice.
But it states "members shall not act in any way which is detrimental to the well being or interests of their patients or clients".
Welsh Government sources say that conversations will take place over the next few days with regard to the process, so it will be interesting to see whether there is any change in the way in which Dame Gillian's successor will be appointed.
It will also examine the way in which any relevant police force investigated allegations relating to News International, and whether the police received corrupt payments or were otherwise complicit in misconduct.
You would - if they come in contact with law enforcement agents at any level of government, which often is the case in the way that people are identified as being here illegally, you would run into - or you'd be able to identify most of the people who are here under those circumstances in that way.
Cumulatively, they outline in detail the way in which a strategy was carefully formulated to undermine the resistance of any company, such as Netscape or Apple, that dared to intrude on the Windows platform.
He was good-looking, in that conventional way which seems to sabotage any chance of depth or credibility in a person.
Were any members of the board, or investment committee, in any way affiliated with the investments as to which the charity experienced losses?
Any attempt to fiddle the system, dictate prices, favor one industry over another or change preferences in any way creates a distortion which reduces the net satisfaction, aka what people want.
Senator JOHN MCCAIN (Republican, Arizona): At no time have I ever done anything that would betray the public trust, nor make a decision which in any way would not be in the public interest and would favor anyone or any organization.
That would be extremely unpopular with the public, and politically very difficult to deal with, managers told the BBC, adding nothing would be implemented which could in any way endanger public safety.
One thing I do agree with DERESIEWICZ on is the way in which the disease of more has deluded us all into believe that wealth is somehow related in any way to morality.
The San Bernardino Sheriff's Employee Assistance Team "would not knowingly accept a donation to the MacKay family which was in any way associated with the suspect, " Cindy Bachman, a sheriff's office spokeswoman, said in an email.
"At no time have I ever done anything that would betray the public trust nor make a decision which, in any way, would not be in the public interest and would favor anyone or any organization, " he said.
When light finally came up, three of the armored vehicles were up-ended in huge crater holes and trenches out there, but the most important thing -- the fuel trucks rolled in, they were not hit, they were not harassed in any way and they managed to deliver their vital supplies, which means the Marines now can push forward.
Nor did he want in any way to destabilise Renault, for which he had worked for over 30 years.
There are many areas of overlap between biomimicry and "cradle-to-cradle" particularly in the way that ecosystems present a great model of closed loop systems in which any waste from one organism becomes the nutrient for something else.
Energy products advertise health and energy benefits, most of which are not regulated in any way by the FDA. They are classified formally as beverages, and are sold to consumers in the same way as COCA COLA or coffee.
It promises to announce what changes, if any, it will make to the way in which it puts together its indices by the end of the year.
In these circumstances, it appears that you failed to ask even the most basic questions about who was involved and the handling of an operation with the obvious potential to create considerable controversy and undermine public confidence - questions which would not have impinged in any way on the police carrying out a proper investigation.
And going ahead with the F-22 shouldn't in any way block development and funding of unmanned vehicles, which are becoming more sophisticated and deadly.
Neither he, nor his colleagues, nor Mr Blair, said they knew of any discontent inside the intelligence services about the way in which the material was being handled.
Frankly I was not terribly impressed with most of the offerings, which seemed amateurish and not really helpful in any way.
And would they in any way even begin to match the level of security from which Scotland benefits as part of the United Kingdom today?
BBC: Scottish independence: Warning over 'weakened military'
Your concerns about sequestration seem misplaced compared with the growing severity of our debt problem, which no one is really addressing in any meaningful way.
FORBES: The Budget Sequester Explained, And What It Means For you