"You watch the news all the time and you see things like this happening up in the bigger states like Texas and California, but here in our little community you would never expect anything like this to have happened, " said Nell Herring, owner of Granny's Country Kitchen restaurant in tiny Kinston, where alleged gunman Michael McLendon lived with his mother, Lisa, whom police say he also killed.
"Using this weakness in MGCP, you can do anything like reroute or tear down connections, " He said.
Mr. SULTERS: You know, it doesn't seem like you could find anything good in any of the layoffs, but I'm laid off now and I can help my mom - she needs total care.
When you work with people in any creative endeavor, they never like you to do anything else.
You turn down acquisition offers because you need to run the show, and you feel like your team is the best in the world and you can do anything with hard work.
Mr. SCHACTMAN: Well, I mean, I don't think it's going to help you talk to an imam in Fallujah or anything like that.
And if you've got anything you'd like to see covered in our review, post it up in the comments, we'll try and include it.
Is there anything that you'll be doing specifically in an area like southeastern Michigan that has a very large Arab American and Muslim population?
So I guess before you can say anything, I am like Terri in that regard.
In some quarters free expression online could become a tradeoff: Say anything you like, so long as we know who really is saying it.
While getting to the end zone, the dog can run through and interact with virtually anything in the scenery, like palm trees or hammocks, which can potentially earn you extra points.
You kept it to two pages and you didn't do anything crazy like putting boxes and diagrams in there - they are the kind of things that don't work well when you upload your CV to an applicant tracking system.
When you think about what was in your life that could have prepared you for a moment like this, was there anything?
But I would like to advise you to do enough research before you complete and post anything in the social network.
FORBES: Curious About Bhutan's Gross National Happiness? Watch This Film
Again, you have to deal with signal issues in high-RF noise environments, deal with materials issues acting as RF shields (like in many computer rooms or anything with lots of metal in it), and you have to balance the convenience with the somewhat-increased security risk.
"In a way, it feels like a big loss, but with Mother Nature you can't do anything about it, " he said, WAPT reported.
The brazen lousiness of a picture like this absolves you, for a few hours, of the belief that anything matters in movies but sensation.