If your child is trapped in a bad urban school, if your health care is crushingly expensive, if you are in danger of losing your job, then you may well look to the practical Mrs Clinton rather than the rhetorical Mr Obama.
In normal good health, some bad bacteria that cause disease are crowded out by good bacteria.
"The health system is in bad shape, as is education, " he says.
It is especially bad in two areas that matter greatly: health care and education, where market forces are nonexistent or broken.
The research team said the difference in outcome could not simply be explained by bad health habits which could affect the birthweight.
But the unhealthiest countries in Europe are in the east, where diets are bad and health care is dominated by costly and inefficient hospitals.
In my recent post on the growth of health-care expenditures, I overstated the role of physician pay in contributing to health care inflation (my bad).
In short, the two men may be inextricably bound together: in good times and in bad and, as Mr Berlusconi may have reflected this week, in sickness and in health.
However, Dr. Goldacre takes a slightly different position a bit later in the book (Bad Pharma, p. 243) in a section where he chastises the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK for wasting money by not using generics.
FORBES: Do We Really Need Head-To-Head Comparison Trials With Statins To Improve Cardiac Health?
Some people even get stuck in bad marriages because they need their spouse's health insurance.
In addition to the bad deal, Kodak's health imaging unit had internal problems with shipments and production, Yannas says, which perhaps hastened the departure of former division head J.
So the two big reasons are making a dent in a costly bad lifestyle choice and saving money for the health care system by hiring tobacco-free employees.
There is a wide consensus among doctors that passive smoking is bad for health, although a paper published in the British Medical Journal did raise doubts about the link.
Particularly, new ads coming from the left - groups like MoveOn.org - going after Democrats who seem to be, in their view, wavering - Democrats like Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Ben Nelson of Nebraska - without understanding, seemingly, that these Democrats could be in very bad shape in their states and Republicans could get elected if they get too far out there on issues like health care and energy.
The director had experienced a run of ill-health since eating a bad oyster on holiday in Barbados in 2007.
Back when I first became public health commissioner, in 1979, the conditions were quite bad.
Too bad the deduction isn't linked to the increase in health care costs.
The BBC Moscow correspondent says many in Russian politics believe Mr Yeltsin's health is now so bad that he should retire.
Dr Wijga said it would be wrong at this stage to recommend young child eat a diet high in saturated fats, as there was significant evidence that this was bad for cardiovascular health.
Her job also means delivering bad news, a constant reality in thoroughbred racing, about a horse's health.
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In the series, Dr. Jackson connects the dots of bad community design with burgeoning health costs, then analyzes and illustrates how ordinary citizens are crafting innovative solutions by looking upstream and breaking out of traditional discipline segregation.
As if things were not already bad enough, the World Health Organisation confirmed last month that an outbreak in Nigeria of polio, a crippling child disease it had hoped was on the brink of being eradicated, had reached Darfur.
But sleepiness is dangerous and bad for health--leading to everything from falling asleep while driving to, in some studies, increased risk for obesity.
In many states, small group insurance has group health underwriting, so if the small group has a bad history of claims, the insurance can be very expensive.
She tells CNN that her group believes the KFC campaign is based in "pinkwashing" -- putting a pink, cancer-awareness ribbon on products that are bad for health.
Schering wants to make this entirely about LDL (the bad cholesterol) and public health, but there is a valid scientific debate about the place of Zetia in the anti-cholesterol armamentarium.