It's too bad that the most important people in this case, Melody and Terrence Youk, were not involved in the trial.
Although more and more residents are being given their emergency-alert radios, officials prefer to say that these are in case of bad weather.
In the long run, British Petroleum is also looking at bringing larger production vessels in, create a more permanent connection that can be disconnected easily in case we have a hurricane or bad weather later on in the hurricane season, and will continue to optimize the production out of the well to contain it.
The case dragged on until September 2001, when an administrative judge at OTS ruled that the government's case was brought in bad faith.
In that case, Merrill Edge may not be a bad idea.
FORBES: Bank of America Goes Digital Only For Launch Of Merrill Edge
This dependence is a cause of some irony: in the case of soybeans, we see that the bad crop has caused distress in China, where the ubiquitous bean is the source of much of its cooking oil and is a cherished food.
FORBES: Drought, Food Shortage Cast Spotlight on Ag Innovation Showcase
Should government reclassify films that feature fat people as well in case they are bad role models?
That certainly was the case in the stories submitted on bad bosses.
More research is being conducted on this subject, but what seems clear in any case is that a reduced level of BDNF is bad news for our brains, and chronic sugar consumption is one of the worst inhibitory culprits.
" Defense lawyers applied to have the case dismissed on the grounds that the attorney-general had acted in bad faith when amending the charges, but the judge ruled for the prosecution, stating that this was "just a simple amendment of a charge.
Jay Mayesh, a product liability defense lawyer at Kaye Scholer who represented Pfizer and Baxter International (nyse: BAX - news - people ) in drug and device litigation, at first said that it was difficult to say how bad the case would be for Merck.
The decision about whether to have a defendant take the witness stand can be the most important one in a criminal case, because the entire trial tends to turn on that performance, good or bad, legal experts say.
It is certainly the case that there are a number of bad actors and armed groups of extremists in Libya who might take advantage of a situation that was brought about initially as a response to the video in question.
That judge, Thomas Penfield Jackson , appears in retrospect to have come down with a very bad case of Judge Ito Whiplash--i.e.