How did you go to sleep together, when you were lying in bed like this?
Now completely awake, she lay in bed, agitated, wondering whether she should risk another pill.
Instead, I stayed in bed with my eyes closed, forcing myself not to moan.
The woman laid in bed all day long with an agape expression on her face.
The court had heard Ms Smith say she was in bed when the fire broke out.
Ms Smith claimed she heard the television in the upstairs flat and her neighbours in bed.
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With one child awake, it was impossible to keep the other three in bed.
At night, after her two children are in bed, Lhuillier often attends functions too.
Sure, you might own a tablet, but have you ever tried to use it in bed?
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Once I was in bed again, a kind of black-hole gravity held me there.
About 17 percent, or one in five women, said they play online games in bed.
He lay in bed with only his face outside the covers, making clouds of vapor.
And when my daughter's in bed, I'll sort of sit down and look at videos.
He was stiff from lying in bed day and night, yet tired all the time.
She says songs just come to her, whether she's at the gym or in bed.
Neither book, it will be realised, is for holding on one's lap in bed.
Celebs, the fash pack and the high street have been in bed together for years.
Amber was still in bed, Willingham said, so he went back into his room to sleep.
Last Christmas Eve Michael Harding's wife Gretchen was in bed with the stomach flu.
He shot through the door and only then realised Ms Steenkamp was not in bed.
Nava lay in bed in the corner of their room, hiding under the blankets.
Her mother, too weak to sit up in bed, lay against her pillows and inhaled deeply.
Characteristically, Kennan was ill, and he was lying in bed when he dictated it.
One such, a girl from north-eastern Liaoning province, lies in bed, a drip attached.
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"I don't lie in bed thinking about what I could be doing with it, " she said.
Cleopatra, when in bed, inveigled Mark Anthony into giving her any kingdoms she wanted.
In this one the contestants invoke Voltaire on the streets and murmur sweet nothings in bed.
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Sometimes when Magda comes out onto the steps and speaks, I sit bolt upright in bed.
There was actually only one iguana, and the girl really is in bed with the lizard.
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That night I was in bed with my husband in Pontardawe, that's my guilt.