The smallpox vaccine literally was the difference between life and death back in the early 1900s.
FORBES: The Pill, the Pox and the Limits of Religious Freedom
In business the wrong decision may wipe thousands off a share price but in medicine it could be the difference between life and death.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | More Or Less | Diagnosis by computer statistics
Or to put it another way, profit margins are so slim that a 6.5% swing in occupancy levels is the difference between corporate life and death.
At this stage of my life -- a senior citizen, as they say politely -- I'm also quite happy to believe in miracles, assuming that the membrane between life and death is paper thin.
No topic was off-limits when Conan O'Brien, Tyra Banks, Shaquille O'Neal, Seth MacFarlane, Jack Dorsey, Quincy Jones and Russell Brand discussed friendship, insecurities, success, worries, life, death and nearly everything in between.
Predictably, like the farmers and the inner cities, the market towns are clamouring for tax-breaks, in the hope that these will make the difference between commercial life and death.
On the other hand, the ability to look at an industry and find the new product that turns college kids into billionaires is not the type of skill that is typically selected for or heightened in the military, where rigorous discipline can make the difference between life and death.
FORBES: Battlefields And Boardrooms - Taking The Smartest From Both And Putting Them Together
In a crash, that half-second could be the difference between life and death.
Congressman Tiahrt's amendment, which would prohibit such transfers, may be the difference between life and death for potentially large numbers of people in this country.
In the end, that attention to detail may have made the difference between life and death.
In our ancestral environments, vigilance and rapid reactions often made the difference between life and death, so the default position was to assume that all patterns are real.
It asks all the big philosophical questions - about life and death and the uncertain purpose of what goes on in between - but in a way that isn't limited to a particular place or era.
He said in the first few hours of a disaster, when survivors are trapped in the rubble of an earthquake, delays and lack of resources could mean the difference between life and death.