Ask to be a co-signer on the main bank account in case of emergency .
It also provides financial assistance for preserving monuments and for the implementation of specific measures in case of emergency.
Case in point: In Case of Emergency, the network's newest comedy starring Jonathan Silverman and David Arquette.
Specialists enter to face one batter in high-leverage situations, while the long man stays available in case of emergency.
Invest 10% in stocks and bonds, but keep most of this money liquid so that cash could be available in case of emergency.
The capture vessels could take other jobs around the gulf, but on contracts that allowed them to break off immediately in case of emergency.
Smart phone applications such as Emergency Aid or In Case of Emergency (ICE) for the iPhone provide one-touch emergency contacts and first aid information in the event of an incident.
Mr. Sures has three phones: an iPhone 4s, a BlackBerry Bold and a satellite phone kept in case of emergency like the time he was at the Great Wall of China and couldn't get cellular service.
Right now, our number-one priority is to make sure that we are saving lives, that our search-and-rescue teams are going to be in place, that people are going to get the food, the water, the shelter that they need in case of emergency, and that we respond as quickly as possible to get the economy back on track.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Makes a Statement on Hurricane Sandy
In case of a national emergency, Americans are most trusting in local law enforcement in case of a shooting (58%), the FBI in case of a terrorist attack (53%), the Centers for Disease Control in case of a pandemic (49%), and the Federal Emergency Relief Administration in case of a natural disaster (45%).
FORBES: Americans Neither Worried Nor Prepared In Case of a Disaster: SUNYIT-Zogby Analytics Poll
And the principal can be withdrawn penalty-free in case of an emergency, says Mr. Weingarten.
Of course I understand the argument for having one handy in case of an emergency.
Through STEP the State Department is able to communicate important information in case of an emergency.
Airlines have been advised to stock the planes with gloves and face masks in case of an emergency.
Subscribers get a wallet-sized card and, in case of an emergency, a hospital will call DocuBank, which will fax over the information.
It is often difficult for health care providers to avoid providing care to non-paying patients, especially in the case of emergency care.
Earlier, Russian Aerospace Agency director Yuri Koptev said that a crew of two cosmonauts was getting ready for blastoff in case of an emergency.
While it may take awhile for news reports in your native language to surface, Twitter can give you fast, reliable information in case of an emergency.
Infant life vests will stay on board, and in case of an emergency landing on water, passengers will now rely solely on seat cushions as flotation devices.
In any case, the riskier your income situation, the more important it is to have money set aside to cover your necessary expenses in case of an emergency.
Since online registration debuted in July 2004, almost 400, 000 people have signed up, making an electronic copy of their itinerary accessible to officials in case of an emergency abroad.
But Ms. Kawaguchi says the clincher was the attentiveness of Mori staff, who inquire about when she will be away on business trips or vacations, in case of an emergency.
The teacher and campus supervisor were described as heroes Thursday, when school personnel had coincidentally discussed earlier the campus lockdown process in case of an emergency, the interim superintendent said.
Please stay home once the weather gets bad except in the case of real emergency.
The Missouri Department of Transportation issued a "no travel" advisory asking people to stay off affected highways except in case of a dire emergency.
In the case of Pay Technologies, a 24 hour grace period can be enabled, allowing the car to start, in the case of such emergency.
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Similar to the predecessor, the phone features a panic button on the back that'll call and text message up to five people in the case of an emergency.
ENGADGET: Clarity Pal hands-on, a new phone for senior citizens
The public should also understand that, in the case of an emergency, the frac contractor is required by law to disclose all chemicals that have gone down the hole to first responders on the scene.
Experts from the National Transportation Safety Board, which has been investigating the accident, suspect that a cargo of more than 100 oxygen generators -- which provide oxygen in case of a cabin emergency -- contributed to the fire.