Such tiny changes might seem trifling in comparison with the multibillion-dollar nature of the problem.
Per capita income has fallen in comparison with the national average by nearly 20%.
And here is how Russia fared in comparison with the average of all G7 countries.
Its bond yields have soared in comparison with (hardly rock-solid) Russian federal Eurobonds (see chart).
Only in comparison with the Manhattan-liberal mind-set that still stifles so much of the American media.
"In comparison with U.S. prices, most European markets are quite affordable, " explains Alexander V.
Otherwise, that 13% tax rate will pale in comparison with the "taxes" levied by mobsters.
His miracles were as trivial, in comparison with His Reality, as a mosquito to an elephant.
Asked if climate change had been over-emphasised in comparison with population growth, Mr Fox agreed.
However, that figure pales in comparison with what some of the best athletes take home.
How does this recovery truly measure up in comparison with previous recessions in our lifetime?
The papers state that it "placed female candidates at a particular disadvantage in comparison with male candidates".
Yet, even their maximalist positions generally pale in comparison with the treatment authorized by the Mexican constitution.
The endorsements, however, may pale in comparison with the prominence accorded Sunday night during the Grammy Awards.
Season ticket sales for the current 2012-13 campaign remained stable in comparison with recent seasons, it added.
Canine vaccines are very cheap in comparison with the drugs needed to treat humans infected with rabies.
Instead, pupils should be given a score that would show how they ranked in comparison with other candidates.
But even these pale in comparison with General Motors's plans for next year's Cadillac line: a night-vision system.
In comparison with the past couple of hundred years, when bond yields were 3-6%, present bond yields look cheap.
The threat posed by the fidgety remote control and the poky VCR pales in comparison with the digital threat.
Shark finning is driven by the fact that the animals' fins are highly valuable in comparison with shark carcasses.
And in comparison with other key sectors, such as manufacturing, infrastructure construction activity creates a higher proportion of jobs.
With their stocks down, health care REITs are cheap in comparison with the estimated liquidating value of their assets.
But in comparison with Dwayne's day, it looks like no control at all.
It also loves right now to talk about its present numbers in comparison with those of a year ago.
Most Latin American mining companies aren't overly expensive in comparison with their earnings.
Though growing fast, China's thirst for oil still pales in comparison with America's.
ECONOMIST: Is the recent rise in oil prices cause for alarm?
This year, in comparison with earlier periods, there has already been a dramatic reduction in the level of violence.
The performance looks even better in comparison with Air France's closest European rivals.
Sizeable enough, but that sum palls in comparison with America's long-term fiscal problem.