It said the US government should "seek resolution with the Iraqi government concerning the use of resources of the DFI (the Development Fund for Iraq) which might be incontradictionwith UN Security Council Resolution 1483".
Aglialoro is a man on a mission, struggling with an inherent contradictionin his quest to commit one of the most influential novels in history to film.
Many voters -- especially members of the millennial generation -- consider these positions at odds with libertarians' professed belief in maximizing individual freedom, but the contradiction and resulting voter alienation is entirely sidestepped.
The next step is to find the mathematically simplest versions of such maps. (What is meant by simplicity in this case is actually quite involved.) Dr Gonthier then showed that all these maps can, in fact, be re-coloured with only four colours, establishing the theorem by contradiction.
It is this sort of heaping of contradiction on contradiction that has brought the church to its present position of crisis with people walking away in their droves.