Dr Schaberg has found that the timing and extent of red coloration in different trees is consistently related to the concentration of nutritionally valuable nitrogenous compounds and sugars in the leaves.
ECONOMIST: The science of autumn
But Mr Horspool's achievement is to show the sheer extent to which rebellion in its many different shapes and forms has been a continuous and conscious tradition shaping the behaviour of both the ruled and their rulers.
ECONOMIST: Political rebels in England
The 1990s saw a step in this direction, with the development of a new form of testing that assesses the extent to which young people and adults in different countries acquired certain key competencies required for work and everyday life.
ECONOMIST: A breakthrough in measuring the knowledge economy
To what extent do the media in Macedonia enable access of different social and cultural groups to their programming or content?
UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
However, to the extent a client reduces portfolio risk by blending in different asset classes, they must be prepared to accept even lower returns commensurate with the reduced portfolio risk.
FORBES: Investors Need To Make Money, Not Beat Benchmarks
While to state that initial conditions on the extent of global integration are vastly different at the outset of Bretton Woods in 1946 and today is an understatement, the direction of regulatory changes have many common features.
BBC: The beginnings of 'financial repression'?
And while readers may be happy to move online, the question is whether the money lost from traditional print sales and advertising can be balanced out by new revenue - at least to the extent that the same range and depth of written journalism survives, merely in a different electronic format.
BBC: Printing press
"They are to some extent based on health premises as understood by Garrow and Webster in 1985 when the world looked rather different, but also they are a statistical construct, " says Prof Cole.
BBC: BMI: Does the Body Mass Index need fixing?