Ms Schneider recalls how the videos captured at Leipzig Zoo in Germany show a bonobo mother shaking her head in disapproval when her infant plays with some food.
BBC: Earth News - Bonobo chimps filmed shaking their head to 'say no'
It begins with church bells ringing in mournful disapproval of the filth that is about to be set before us.
After a recent book reading , I noticed the disapproval in his eyes when I smoked a cigarette outside.
Apart from the sanction of social disapproval in the diaspora, those who do not pay find it hard to buy or keep land back home, or to get their passports renewed.
And food companies don't meet the disapproval in China that they do in the West: according to the Pew Research Centre, while 72% of Chinese think that fast food has made the world a better place, only 23% of Americans do.
It is a remarkable fact about how low the public's estimation of Republicans has sunk that the news of that poll was that the President was at 50 percent -- not that the Republican Party had a disapproval rating in the mid-seventies.
Alarmingly, for the NRA, this show of disapproval is happening in red states that should be gun rights strongholds.
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Ranking Member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, to thank for pushing this disapproval resolution forward in the Senate.
FORBES: Lawless Net Neutrality vs. the "Resolution of Disapproval"
If voluntary euthanasia at the end of life becomes more widely accepted, it is likely that society's disapproval of suicide in general will come under greater scrutiny, if only because the dividing line between suicide in the case of the terminally ill and other kinds of suicide will become more blurred.
Cardinal Keith O'Brien, head of the Catholic Church in Scotland, also voiced his disapproval of the bill.
In Colombia , voters showed their disapproval of President Andres Pastrana's government.
The loss of these shrines has sparked worldwide outrage but it has also caused great sadness and disapproval among religious leaders in Bamako.
BBC: Mali unites against the Ansar Dine Islamists in Timbuktu
Although suicide is no longer a crime in most countries, and suicides are no longer buried, as they once were, at a crossroads with a stake through their hearts, severe disapproval of suicide survives in a different form.
Romer was an equal-protection case while Lawrence was a privacy case, but in both of them the court applied the lowest level of scrutiny: It struck down the laws in question on the ground that disapproval of homosexuality was not even a "rational basis" for the laws under challenge.
In 2008 the Times Education Supplement, a trade newspaper, found overwhelming disapproval among teachers of Labour's school policies and a shift in voting intentions (albeit towards the Liberal Democrats rather than the Tories).
George Bush has the highest disapproval rating of any president in the 70-year history of the Gallup poll.
ECONOMIST: America's particularities will survive George Bush
As finance minister in 2004 he fought off European Commission disapproval to use state money to rescue Alstom, an engineering firm.
Meanwhile L'Humanite commented that Mr Hollande "did not indicate the slightest flexibility in his political course" despite strong disapproval among left-wing voters.
Most New Yorkers oppose the portion ban, while politicians in other states are scrambling to show their disapproval.
Unless two-thirds majorities in both houses of Congress adopt resolutions of disapproval by the 14th of February, these transactions will proceed.
Sweden has a complicated relationship with alcohol - immoderate consumption goes hand in hand with fearsomely high prices, official disapproval and a state monopoly on selling liquor.
If Ofcom's disapproval mounts, Fox may switch off in Britain.
ECONOMIST: Ofcom ticks off Fox News for a rant against the BBC
Another obstacle to progress has fallen away: a court ruling in London has blessed the trading in airline slots at Heathrow, despite grumbles of disapproval from European Union regulators.
Though there is evidence Iran will not be concerned with the possibility of its own destruction, there is also evidence that Iran will be less prone to adhere to the nuclear taboo, the moral disapproval toward nuclear weapons that prevents usage in conjunction with MAD.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Nuclear Iran: The Case for Action
Over the last couple of weeks, you had broad expressions of really disapproval and condemnation of the Qaddafi actions in Libya, and indeed that came kind of in its broadest expression at the Arab League meeting last Saturday, where it called on the United Nations to adopt a no-fly zone and protect civilians.
With the bill facing 70% opposition in some polls, and after being presented with a petition that expressed the disapproval of a quarter of Iceland's population, Grimsson finally decided to veto the bill.
In the 2008 US presidential campaign, acts including Heart and Bon Jovi expressed their disapproval that their music had been played at Republican Party events.
And if the action on the pitch was lively, it was tasty in the technical area as well, with Spurs assistant boss Gus Poyet directing his disapproval at referee Rob Styles for his failure to give a foul against Luka Modric.
In all but the most progressive communities, prom glorifies heterosexuality, leaving gay youths facing disapproval at best, outright rejection at worst.
When work teams get together, the ratio of positive interactions, such as support and encouragement, to negative interactions, such as disapproval and criticism, should be about 3-to-1 or higher in order to ensure top performance, based on research by Barbara Fredrickson, a psychology professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and others.