Still in embryo, the ideas include data systems that allow drivers to map the fastest and most eco-friendly routes.
This was how simple chemical gradients in an embryo could result in complex body patterns.
While the downturn chokes spending for Google's major competitors, it may also cut off funding for potential foes in their embryo stages.
They would also like to push other stem-cell types, such as those found in the intestine, to the limit in their embryo experiments.
Although the father's genetic material is present in the embryo and on the surface of the placenta, the mother's body does not reject it.
These include adhesion proteins which hold the cells of a body together, and homeobox proteins, which tell the cells in an embryo how to develop.
The trick is to persuade such cells to forget what they have become and remember what they (or, rather, their ancestors) once were in the embryo.
The team was particularly interested in spontaneous mutations: Those that are not present in either parent, so must arise spontaneously in the sperm, egg, or in the embryo.
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Scientists using this method seek to persuade the cell to "forget" its current status and go back to the original stem cell state it was in during its time in the embryo.
In this new study, detailed this week in the journal Nature Methods, Hufnagel and colleagues recorded the movements of every cell nucleus in the embryo not only during the later developmental stages, but also throughout the first three hours of the embryo's life, when nuclei divide very rapidly.
Tooth enamel begins to form in the human embryo when a specialised layer of cells, called ameloblasts, in the embryonic tooth bud secretes amelogenin proteins.
And women were active in Britain's embryo trade unions and radical politics in the 1820s-1840s.
ECONOMIST: It took most of the past ten centuries. Here��s why
This is almost like having the embryo in the womb with a camera on them.
"There are well in excess of 100, 000 embryo transfers every year in this country, " said Adamson.
The pregnancy rate among those given single embryos was 39.7%, compared to 43.5% in the double embryo group.
And in the 2004 paper which they first announced their success in cloning an embryo, they used 242 eggs from 16 women.
In Mississippi, a proposal to declare that an embryo is a person in law from the moment of fertilization did not win - a defeat for social conservatism (though of course not all social conservatives are Republican).
Even more radical was the invention, in 1978, of in-vitro fertilization, or IVF, the now-common technique in which egg and sperm meet in a laboratory petri dish and create an embryo that is then implanted in the would-be mother's womb.
Women under the age of 37 should have only one embryo transferred in their first cycle.
BBC: IVF should be given sooner and to older women, says NICE
The team then harvested some of these eggs and managed to produce a normal embryo through in vitro fertilisation.
Mrs Quintavalle said embryo research in the US using DNA from one man and two women was discontinued because of the "huge abnormalities" in some cases.
Maverick scientists, including Italian fertility doctor Severino Antinori, claimed the ruling meant they could make embryo clones in Britain and have them implanted before the emergency legislation could be brought in.
It was a response to the controversy touched off last fall by a report in the Los Angeles Times featuring a Davis, California for-profit embryo selling business that opened in 2010.
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The body that regulates IVF clinics in the UK, the Human Fertilisation Embryo Authority (HFEA), concedes that provision is "patchy" in parts of the country but says both sperm and egg donation was falling long before the change in the law.
Occasionally, the extra chromosome doesn't appear until early in the development of the embryo.
It is usually taken from an embryo that is in the development stage.
Problems range from failure of the embryo to implant in the womb, leading to miscarriage, to rupture of the placenta and pre-eclampsia.
The ban was lifted for funding of fetal tissue research in 1993, when promising approaches were proposed for treatment of Parkinson's disease, but the ban on federal funding for human embryo research remains in effect.
By studying the expression patterns of individual genes, cloners have found that certain genes which should be turned on in early development, such as those that control the implantation of the embryo into the uterus, are activated much later in cloned embryos.