They are Americans in their heart, in their minds, in every single way but one: on paper.
But persuading people to increase energy efficiency, drive a bit less, curb flying, swap their economies to alternative fuels - in a context that involves every single country in some way or other - well, that's tough.
They are "Americans in their hearts, their minds and every single way but on paper, " he said.
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Technology diversifies every single dollar that comes in, rebalances every account we have in a tax efficient way, and reinvests dividends.
No side can in any way forego its rights of every single inch of territory because it's holy land.
The way you care about people comes through in every single story.
Mr Enness acknowledged that not every single one of the 1, 000-strong service personnel would read the memo in a positive way, but stressed that it was worded carefully, and intended as a "wake-up" call.
He decided the way to build a true community paper was to mail it to every single home in the area and charge nothing for it.
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She instructed the boy to perform the stretching exercises every single day and not to let boredom or a reduction in symptomology keep him from doing them in a disciplined way.
You will notice how the quality of your life improves, how things start to naturally come your way and while you spiral up in your consciousness, you realize that you create your life every single moment and every moment you decide what quality you want to give your life.
If we encourage the young people around us to fight every single day for what they know is right, if we break down any barrier that stands in the way of a young woman getting her education or believing she can achieve her dreams, then I am confident that we will finally unlock the promise of our next generation.
Every single dish had a subtle decorative motif from its essential ingredients that complemented the overall effect without being in any way redundant.
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